
Da Nang accelerates COVID-19 vaccine booster rollout

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 06, 2022, 22:35 [GMT+7]

Da Nang is accelerating its COVID-19 booster shot program to all over 18s who received a second dose three months ago in the context of risk from Omicron variant SARS-CoV-2.

The city’s move came after evidence showed that having two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine does not provide strong protection against Omicron. However, a third dose provides about 70% protection against symptomatic infection.

A healthcare professional giving a booster vaccination to a woman in Son Tra District. Photo: PHAN CHUNG
A healthcare professional giving a booster vaccination to a woman in Son Tra District. Photo: PHAN CHUNG

On January 4 and 5, more than 26,500 eligible people across the city were offered a booster dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine. The vaccine recipients were health care workers, along with people with compromised immune systems being treated at the Da Nang General Hospital and the Cancer Hospital, hemodialysis patients at the Police Hospital 199 under Ministry of Public Security, and Military Hospital 17.

From January 6, over 33,300 people in the city will be offered a booster dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. The vaccine recipients consist of more than 6,800 people in Hai Chau District, more than 5,200 people in Thanh Khe District, more than 5,200 people in Son Tra District, more than 3,100 people in Ngu Hanh Son District, more than 4,500 people in Lien Chieu District, more than 4,700 people in Cam Le District, and more than 3,400 people in Hoa Vang District.

Booster shots are available at 13 vaccination sites across the city. Residents in Hai Chau District can find a booster by visiting Tien Son Sports Palace while those in Son Tra District can get a booster shot at the District Cultural and Sports Center, To Vinh Dien Primary School and Nguyen Chi Thanh Junior High School.

The health agency is working closely with local authorities to prioritise delivery and make it as easy as possible for people to get their top up protection, as well as redeploying clinical staff to support with vaccinations. In addition, volunteers, police and military personnel have been redeployed to vaccination sites to support the city’s vaccination drive while ensuring strict observance of COVID-19 rules in these venues in a bid to prevent the spread of the virus.

Under the regulations of the Ministry of Health, all vaccination sites must meet strict standards for storing and preserving the vaccines, be arranged to include designated areas for reception, waiting, clinical screening, vaccination rooms, post-injection monitoring rooms, and anaphylactic treatment rooms with one-way rule, be equipped with anaphylactic treatment boxes, and comply with epidemic prevention regulations.

All vaccination sites will do temperature checks on people before entry allowing space for social distancing and a 30-minute recovery time. Strictest health and safety measures, especially the 5K recommendations of the Ministry of Health, are being put in place at these venues.

Beneficiaries are required to undergo medical checks, and they are provided with medical advice and post-vaccination observation.

Protocols have been established for the management of adverse reactions following immunization. Healthcare workers are prepared to recognize and treat allergic reactions.

Doctor Ton That Thanh, the Director of the Da Nang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that as of January 5, a total of 1,953,840 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered across the city. Till date, 975,620 people received at least one dose, 957,927 people have been fully vaccinated, and 20,293 have received their third shot.

A total of 140,000 COVID-19 additional vaccine doses have been allocated to Da Nang to help it deliver booster jabs to people in priority groups in an attempt to protect those most at risk, and boost their immunity to coronavirus.

The city targets to offer a booster jab to all people who received their last dose before October 30, 2021 before Tet Festival.

Reporting by PHAN CHUNG – Translating by H.L
