
Passionate compatriots' sentiment amid COVID-19-sparked tough times

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 04, 2022, 17:30 [GMT+7]

Over the past time, promoting the tradition of " Do unto others as you would have them done unto you” and  “People within the same country should be loving each other”, the Da Nang authorities have released many humanitarian policies and practical actions for the sake of the local people's lives, especially during the COVID-19 surge. Not only Da Nang people who live far away, but thousands of people from other localities nationwide returning to their hometowns who had to pass through Da Nang also received active help and support in a timely manner. Since then, beautiful stories of kindness and deep compassion for fellow citizens have been written in the midst of tough days.

The flight brought Da Nang people in Ho Chi Minh City departing from Tan Son Nhat Airport to Da Nang International Airport safely on July 21, 2021. Photo: THUY THANH
The flight brought Da Nang people in Ho Chi Minh City departing from Tan Son Nhat Airport to Da Nang International Airport safely on July 21, 2021. Photo: THUY THANH

Because of the complicated outbreak and spread of COVID-19 in Ho Chi Minh City, hundreds of self-employed people having extremely difficult circumstances are struggling in fear of debt due to job loss.

One day in mid-July, they were suddenly happy when the Da Nang authorities issued a policy to support needy workers, students, teachers, doctors, and nurses in Ho Chi Minh City to return home through the three free-of-charge flights on July 21, 2021.

This humane policy not only helped hundreds of disadvantaged workers who are unemployed in Ho Chi Minh City to return to their hometown safely but also shared the burden with Ho Chi Minh City in the prevention and control of COVID-19 at that time.

The city authorities and Da Nang residents also pay sincere attention to people in the northern provinces working in Ho Chi Minh City returning to their hometown to avoid the pandemic when passing through Da Nang. In just 10 days since October 8, it is estimated that there were 30,000 people who returned to their hometown, with about 15,000 motorbikes passing through the city.

Moreover, Chairman of the City People's Committee Le Trung Chinh and member of the Party Central Committee Nguyen Van Quang personally went to inspect the work of environmental sanitation and food supply at shelters when passing through the transit station south of the Hai Van tunnel, in tandem with reminding those who are on duty here assisting people from the southern provinces as much as possible to make sure their safety

 The flight brought Da Nang people in Ho Chi Minh City departing from Tan Son Nhat Airport to Da Nang International Airport safely on July 21, 2021. Photo: THUY THANH
The flight brought Da Nang people in Ho Chi Minh City departing from Tan Son Nhat Airport to Da Nang International Airport safely on July 21, 2021. Photo: THUY THANH

Thanks to the enthusiastic and responsible coordination between the Da Nang Red Cross Society and the municipal chapter of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front Committee, the Da Nang Youth Union and other clubs, associations, and volunteer groups, most passersby feel more secure when receiving food support, motorbike support, gasoline, oil, tires and first aid. Thereby, more than 20,000 bags of essential items including raincoats, masks, milk, fresh bread, bottles of water and 15,000 free meals were given to passersby with a total cost of more than VND 2.3 billion.

Apart from that, the Chairman of Da Nang City People's Committee also assigned the City Police to coordinate with related units to support people to return to their hometown safely, in tandem with suggesting that the investor of the Hai Van Tunnel open the tunnel to support convoys of motorbikes pass by to reduce accidents caused by severe rain. Thanks to the timely intervention, people returning to their hometown could ride motorbikes through the tunnel safely and this is also the first time motorbikes can go through this road tunnel.

At that time, despite the unfavourable weather due to the influence of consecutive storms struck the mainland, it is sure that the groups of people from the southern provinces returning to their hometowns on their rudimentary motorbikes still felt warm when receiving the noble gestures of the Da Nang authorities and people.

Reporting by DOAN HAO LUONG- Translating by T.VY
