
Da Nang young doctor with strong dedication to community

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 28, 2022, 16:36 [GMT+7]

Over two years of great efforts to join the frontline against the COVID-19 pandemic in Da Nang Secretary of the Youth Union organisation of Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy, Nguyen Trung Nghia, a young talented doctor, has made a significant contribution to pandemic control activities in Da Nang and other localities.

Secretary of the Youth Union of Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy Nguyen Trung Nghia (right) and his collogues on their way to do the sampling for testing in Phu Yen Province. (Photo courtesy of the character taken in August - 2021)
Secretary of the Youth Union of Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy Nguyen Trung Nghia (right) and his collogues on their way to do the sampling for testing in Phu Yen Province. (Photo courtesy of the character taken in August - 2021)

Taking active engagement in pandemic prevention

Since the beginning of 2020, when COVID-19 broke out in the city, Nghia volunteered to screen patients with suspected signs of COVID-19 at the Hai Chau District Medical Centre.

In July 2021, when many new cases of infection appeared in south-central Vietnamese province of Phu Yen, under the direction of the Da Nang University of Medical Technology and Pharmacy, he followed a volunteer team to work at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) of Phu Yen Province.

He was responsible for implementing the mobile laboratory model of the Viet Nam Young Physicians’ Association located in this province with an average of 700 - 1,000 single samples/day.

Along with that, Nghia also joined the network of remote examination, consultation and treatment of COVID-19 patients launched by the Da Nang Young Physicians Association.

He confided: "As a young doctor, I always think that I have to make more efforts, with strengths and qualifications I do not hesitate to go with my colleagues to the COVID-10 epicenter of the country with the desire to make a small contribution to repel the pathogen.

The days in Phu Yen, the young, talented, kind-hearted doctor left a deep impression on  residents in Tuy An Commune, a coastal commune of Phu Yen Province thanks to his active support for them. Fishermen here donated baskets of freshly-caught fish to Nghia and his peers as a sincere thank you.

"That sentiment of the people makes me and other members of the Da Nang delegation very moved, prompting us to exert more efforts to complete the assigned tasks well”, said Nghia.

As the leader of the Youth Union organisation of the university, Nghia is in charge of building up ‘Rapid response team of medical and pharmaceutical volunteers to combat COVID-19’.

Specifically, since July 2020, the Youth Union has mobilised more than 700 volunteers to join supportive missions at the Da Nang Department of Health, medical centres in the city and over 300 volunteers to support Phu Yen Province and Ho Chi Minh City.

The man also directed the affiliated delegations to organise the highly practical programme  ‘Motivational meals’, give 100 gifts to outpatients and necessities to more than 200 students in Da Nang-based dormitories during the city's application of stay-at-home mandate to curb the COVID-19 spread with the total funding of more than VND84 million.

Nghia also mobilised affiliated branches to donate thousands of protective suits, anti-droplet hats, gloves and face masks to those in need.

In particular, in the Green Summer 2021 programme, Nghia mobilised units to donate more than 300 protective suits, hand sanitizer and other medical necessities to the Hai Chau District Medical Centre.

Constantly encouraging more young people to do good deeds

Nghia has always tried to develop the Youth Union and youth movements because this is the leading and transparent political task.

Since taking the post as the Secretary of the Youth Union organisation of the university, Nghia has seriously, synchronously and effectively implemented youth movements.

In particular, Nghia gathered a large number of Youth Union members and young people to participate in community volunteering trips during which they provided free medical checkups and medicine to more than 700 people in Ly Son Island District of Quang Ngai Province and more than 300 wounded soldiers, families of martyrs, people with meritorious services and social policy families in Quang Tri Province.

Also, hundreds of gifts worth nearly VND100 million were given to poor households in Dong Giang District, Quang Nam Province.

As a lecturer, the doctor is highly active in coming up with many innovative ideas that have been well applied in practice.

“Each activity, each volunteering session always leaves me with good memories of my youth. Perhaps the thing that makes me happiest in every trip is the sincere affection I received from the people as they presented baskets full of potatoes, eggs and fruit to me and my colleagues. It is the enthusiasm and fearlessness of difficulties and hardships made by Youth Union members and young people that have helped me overcome all challenges and well complete my assigned missions”, said Nghia.

In recognition of his great contributions, young doctor Nghia has been honoured to be one of the two representatives of the Da Nang youth to receive the noble Ly Tu Trong Award 2022 presented by the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCYU)

Reporting by DAN TAM – Translating by A.THU
