
The second home of Da Nang workers

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 05, 2022, 16:23 [GMT+7]

For the time being, Da Nang houses 57 self-managed groups of workers with 8,697 workers living in 4,786 rented accommodations, mainly in the two districts of Lien Chieu and Cam Le. Many of them living far from home feel more secure when participating in these groups because of the close attention from the authorities, as well as the opportunity to participate in cultural activities in residential areas.

Mr Nguyen Duy Minh (left), Chairman of the Da Nang Labour Confederation, presents gifts to workers of a self-managed group in Hoa Tho Tay Ward, Cam Le District in 2021. Photo: T.Y
Mr Nguyen Duy Minh (left), Chairman of the Da Nang Labour Confederation, presents gifts to workers of a self-managed group in Hoa Tho Tay Ward, Cam Le District in 2021. Photo: T.Y

Being spiritual support for workers away from their homeland

Ms Nguyen Thi Huong, a worker of Daiwa Vietnam Co., Ltd., lives in a rented room located in Da Phuoc 6 residential area, Hoa Khanh Bac Ward, Lien Chieu District. After work, she just wants to go back to her room to rest and recharge her batteries since her job has a lot of pressure on accuracy and professionalism.

“In the past, I hardly interacted with anyone but my company colleagues. Thanks to joining self-managed group No. 26 in 2022, I have the opportunity to meet a host of people to share and help each other. Besides, the security at the group is quite good, which helps us feel more secure," said Ms Huong.

The self-managed group No. 26 has currently managed about 250 workers working in Hoa Khanh Industrial Park. Mr Truong Minh Dat, leader of the group, said that the group's goal is to build a cultural and civilized urban lifestyle, which focuses on propaganda and dissemination of the Party's policies and laws of the State, contributing to maintaining security and order, improving the cultural and spiritual life of workers.

On the other hand, the group also regularly captures the thoughts and aspirations of employees to promptly prevent and repel social evils, helping them to work safely and stabilize their lives.
Currently, Lien Chieu District has 28 self-managed groups managing nearly 5,000 workers.

Mr Pham Thanh Cong, leader of the self-managed group No. 10, Hoa Khanh Bac Ward, said that the management of the group faced many difficulties due to the large number of workers concentrated in the group (650 workers). However, since having an online group on Zalo, the group has promptly exchanged information and sent announcements from the superior Trade Union organization.

Since 2019, the Da Nang Labour Federation has coordinated with the Department of Information and Communications to install a free wifi system at many rented accommodations. The quality of bandwidth at each installation point can meet more than 600 users, contributing to supporting utilities and ensuring a safe and healthy living environment for labourers.

Workers having difficult circumstances living in self-managed groups are often presented gifts by organizations and unions. (Photo taken in 2021) Photo: T.Y
Workers having difficult circumstances living in self-managed groups are often presented gifts by organizations and unions. (Photo taken in 2021) Photo: T.Y

Create a safe and civilised living environment

It can be said that the establishment of self-managed workers' groups is an effort of the Da Nang Labor Union and grassroots trade union organizations to better take care of the cultural and spiritual life of workers.

For the time being, Son Tra District has 5 self-managed groups gathering nearly 600 workers. As shared by Ms Tran Thi Tin, leader of group No. 45 in Tho Quang Ward, during the two years of the pandemic, the role of the self-managed workers' group was enhanced and become spiritual support for employees.

The group has usually paid visits, encouraged, presented gifts and mobilized owners of rented places not to increase house prices, electricity and water prices.

According to Ms Bui Thi Linh Chi, Vice President of the Labour Federation of Cam Le District, the district's 21 self-managed groups have done well in accompanying, connecting and helping more than 3,000 workers working away from home. In 2021, disadvantaged workers living in self-managed groups were supported by hundreds of gifts, each worth 300,000 to 500,000 VND.

In addition, Da Nang Labour Federation organized spraying disinfectants, providing antiseptic solutions, and providing disease screening at most self-managed rented accommodations during the complicated development of COVID-19.

Annually, the grassroots trade union has coordinated the self-managed groups of workers and the ward police department to propagate the Labor Law, reminding workers to well perform the declaration of temporary residence and absence, ensuring their safety and preventing crooks from taking advantage of loopholes to rob property.

Moreover, the Labor Confederation of Cam Le District signed a regulation on cooperation with the police force, health care, health insurance to give annual free medical examination, and propaganda of the Law on Residence for workers, ensuring full benefits for them.

One of the crucial goals of the city-level Labour Federation when creating a self-managed worker group model is to create a safe, friendly and civilised living environment for workers away from home. Chairman Nguyen Duy Minh said that it is necessary to have a connection between the Trade Union and the workers because each self-managed group is a bridge of the Trade Union in taking care of and supporting the workers in reducing administrative procedures, organising cultural and artistic exchange activities.

On top of that, each self-managed group has been equipped with a bookcase with many legal books, portable speakers, and free wifi by the city-level Labour Federation. The organization of cultural exchanges, sports, and dialogue activities are also encouraged, creating a basis for proposing opinions and aspirations to the municipal Labour Union for a timely and satisfactory solution.

Reporting by TIEU YEN- Translating by T.VY
