
QR Code authentication system helps prevent counterfeit goods

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 07, 2022, 10:37 [GMT+7]

A system for authenticating genuine goods through QR Code at https://truyxuat.gov.vn/ has been put into operation by the General Department of E-commerce and Digital Economy under the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade as a measure to encourage consumers and businesses to use digital solutions to prevent counterfeit goods in e-commerce transactions.

Accordingly, the application helps consumers gain enough information about product origin and transparent product information, and solves the problem of counterfeit goods, creates great opportunities for the application of new digital technologies, thereby creating trust on the part of users when they know the origin of the product.

Building a system of authenticating genuine goods through QR Code helps control risks arising when tracking and verifying the origin of goods. This is not only a step for businesses to create trust for customers, but it also serves as “a wall” to protect the reputation of products and businesses, helping businesses aim to conquer the very demanding international market about genuine goods authentication. As for State management agencies, this is a useful tool for the management and control of the commodity market.

Reporting by HAI AU - Translating by A.THU
