
27,000 glasses of TH True Milk given to Hope School students in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 07, 2022, 17:40 [GMT+7]

The inter-level Hope School for children who became orphans due to COVID-19 in Da Nang, on Friday, started to receive the firsts out of the 27,000 glasses of milk from the Foundation for Vietnamese Stature sponsored by TH Group.

Students of the Inter-level Hope School based in the FPT Da Nang Urban Area are seen drinking fresh milk sponsored by TH Group through the Fund for Vietnamese stature. Photo: TRIEU TUNG
Students of the Inter-level Hope School based in the FPT Da Nang Urban Area are seen drinking fresh milk sponsored by TH Group through the Fund for Vietnamese stature. Photo: TRIEU TUNG

Specifically, the Foundation for Vietnamese Stature and the TH Group will give a total of 27,000 glasses of milk to the school students during the 2022-2023 academic year. As a result, each of the school students will add 2 cups of TH true Milk per week.

In his remarks at the milk handover ceremony on Friday, the TH Group representative said his unit has been actively involved in implement school health programmes.

TH Group has always paid special attention to promoting the care, protection and health management of children and students in preschools, general education institutions, and special schools. The purpose is to ensure the comprehensive development of students’ physical and mental health, especially disadvantaged ones being cared for at the Hope School.

Established by the FPT Corporation and the Hope Fund, the inter-level Hope School is located in FPT City Urban Area. The beneficiaries will access accommodations, care and support, and general education training from FPT School and higher education training from FPT University and FPT Polytechnic, its vocational college.

In addition to the FPT Corporation and its founding members, over the past time, the school has received active support from many organisations, businesses and individuals, with the desire to bring the best nurturing conditions to them. Included are the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Fund for Vietnamese Stature, the TH Group, the Thien Long Group, the Phuc Tam Fund, the Tan Long Group and the Phan Chau Trinh University.

Reporting by TRIEU TUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
