
Da Nang man works as volunteer railway guard for 2 decades

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 06, 2022, 21:02 [GMT+7]

For more than two decades, Mr. Dang Van Loi has worked as a garbage collector and a volunteer railway guard at a section of the trans-Viet Nam railway that runs through residential areas in Da Nang’s Lien Chieu District. Thanks to his knightly work, he has helped many people escape from the scythe of death.

Mr. Dang Van Loi works as a volunteer railway guard at the railway line running through residential areas. Photo: KHUONG MY
Mr. Dang Van Loi works as a volunteer railway guard at the railway line running through residential areas. Photo: KHUONG MY

‘Talking barricade’

The border point between residential groups Chon Tam Nos. 18 and 19 has been considered one of tragic accident-prone hotspots in the city.

According to local residents, in the past, more than 15 serious accidents were reported at this ‘crossroad of death’. In 2002, a solid barrier was built at the crossroad to prevent vehicles from passing, but many people still were in the habit of walking or riding bikes through the barrier.

“Many people are afraid of the long distance, so they risk themselves walking or riding bicycles across this section of railway. I am afraid of more tragic deaths, so I voluntarily work as a railway to prevent people from passing when a train is about to pass” said Mr. Loi.

Like that, over the past over 20 years, Mr. Loi has helped many people to escape from the ‘scythe of death’.

Mr. Nguyen Van Son, 37, living in residential group Chon Tam No. 18, recalled once he witnessed Mr. Loi helping a group of 3 students narrowly escape from the accident. He added the group were on the way to school and didn't notice the train arrival. Mr. Loi shouted loudly and quickly ran over to push the students backwards.

In another case, a woman was trying to take her bicycle across the railway tracks when the train was about to pass. Leaving the bowl of noodles he was eating, Mr. Loi rushed to help.

Guarding railway regardless of rain or shine

Born into a large family of siblings in Quang Nam Province, at the age of 7, Mr. Loi lost his parents one by one due to illness.

In 1979, like many other young people, he volunteered to join the army. A year later, he returned from the Cambodian battlefield with him many remnants of the war's toxic chemicals.

With no relatives left in his hometown, he went to Da Nang to live with his older sister, helping her sell grocery things in front of her house.

Mr. Loi explained the reason for his loneliness is that his family is so poor so he does not want his wife and children to suffer with him. Then his older sister also soon passed away, from then he collects trash and guards the railway.

Mr. Loi's day usually starts at 5:00 am. Taking advantage of the cool weather, in baggy faded clothes, he roamed along the railway to pick up trash. Every time the train departs, he rushes back to work as a railway guard. Many people advised him to quit his job of guarding the railway due to his old age, but he shook his head.

Mr. Loi's act not only impresses the neighbours but also passers-by. Understanding his plight, many students bring food to him, whilst neighbours often visit him to check his health conditions, offer him a bottle of water, a box of noodles, and a weight of rice.

Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh, leader of the Self-Management Group of Chon Tam 2D ​​Residential Area in Hoa Khanh Nam Ward said everyone here is very grateful to the kind man.

Since he worked as a railway guard, the number of accidents has significantly decreased. When a train comes, he stands up and raises his hand to signal people not to pass. Regardless of rain or shine, every day he guards the railway until late at night, added Mr. Thanh.

Mr. Dang Van Loi was honoured with the title of ‘Traffic Knight’ in recognition of his great contribution to traffic safety in the country through the Total Traffic Knight programme during the 2011-2012 period.

He has been awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Lien Chieu District People's Committee Chairman for his outstanding achievements in voluntarily guard the railway over the past decade.

Reporting by KHUONG MY - Translating by M.DUNG
