
Fighting against drug crimes

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 03, 2022, 17:26 [GMT+7]

Fighting against drug crimes has always been a cross-cutting task of the Drugs and Crime Prevention Division under the Da Nang Border Guard. The local border guard force have been exerting full effort to prevent drug supply lines from entering Da Nang, as well as crack down on small drug dens to ensure that there are no drug addicts in residential areas.

Drug traffickers arrested by the city's drug crime prevention and combat force. Photo: Nhu Thao
Drug traffickers are arrested by the city's drug crime prevention and combat force. Photo: Nhu Thao

Since early 2022, the situation of drug crimes in the maritime border area tends to be complicated. Criminals often link together to operate, and frequently move accommodations, to bypass the authorities. Specially, the criminals also entice drug-addicts to act as ‘delivery people’ to supply drugs.

In recent times, the Drugs and Crime Prevention Division has enhanced patrolling, controlling and fighting against crime. As a result, many large cases of illegal drug trafficking and transportation have been dismantled.

Colonel Nguyen Viet Cu, Head of the Drugs and Crime Prevention Division, remarked, in 2022, the border guard force have cracked down on four drug trafficking rings, arresting many drug crimes and seizing lots of exhibits.

Additionally, the functional forces have detected and handled many cases involving smuggling and the illegal transportation of such imported goods as tobacco, alcoholic drinks, beer and milk.

Besides, the forces have detected and handled 23 cases with 29 subjects involved in property theft, the use of electric shocks to catch fish, and violations of regulations on national border management and protection. As a result, fines of VND245 million have been imposed on 25 related subjects.

According to Colonel Tran Cong Thanh, Commander of the municipal Border Guard, in the coming time, the city’s Border Guard Command will continue to promote synchronous implementation of professional measures, well train border guards, and firmly grasp the situation of drug crimes.

Greater efforts will be made to verify and monitor drug crimes, smuggling, commercial fraud and other crimes to take effective measures.

The municipal Border Guard continues to direct the anti-narcotics and secretive crime force to deeply grasp the information and activities of the drug, smuggling, and commercial fraud rings and groups in service of special cases timely.

Reporting by NHU THAO - Translating by M.DUNG
