
Police officer donates blood 40 times for saving lives

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 04, 2022, 17:29 [GMT+7]

“I am always ready to donate blood in any situation regardless of day or night because contributing to saving the patient's life is my happiness", said Lieutenant Colonel Phan Quang Phap, Deputy Station of Hoa Hai Gate Traffic Police Station, one of the national typical blood donors honoured in 2022.

  Lieutenant Colonel Phan Quang Phap participated in voluntary blood donation. PHOTO: X.HAU
Lieutenant Colonel Phan Quang Phap participated in voluntary blood donation. PHOTO: X.HAU

Till date, after 27 years of volunteering Lieutenant Colonel Phan Quang Phap has donated blood to save lives 40 times. Every time he received information that a patient was in need of an unexpected blood transfusion while he was on duty, he immediately reported to the unit for permission and was facilitated by the leader to come to the hospital to donate blood in a timely manner.

One of the most impressive memories of Lieutenant Colonel Phan Quang Phap was his participation in blood donation at a time when Da Nang was experiencing the COVID-19 outbreaks. At that time, on the occasion of Independence Day on 2nd September 2021, in response to the call of the Da Nang Voluntary Blood Donation Steering Committee, Lieutenant Colonel Phan Quang Phap and 5 officers of the Traffic Police Department volunteered to register to donate 350ml of blood each, supplementing an emergency blood source for the hospital to save and treat patients.

In addition, he also actively participates in mobilizing youth union members, including officers and soldiers in the unit to participate in voluntary blood donation sessions organized by the municipal Youth Union under Da Nang Police. At the same time, he also mobilizes 100% of the youth union members of the unit to participate in the "Warm Blood Bank" of the City Police to promptly give first aid to injured officers and soldiers while performing their duties.

With the spirit of "Working for the sake of people" and being an outstanding example in the voluntary blood donation movements, in 2020, Lieutenant Colonel Phan Quang Phap was awarded a certificate of merit by the Central Committee of the Viet Nam Red Cross Society for his blood donation achievements. Last August, in the program “Honoring the nationwide typical blood donors in 2022” organised in Hanoi, Lieutenant Colonel Phan Quang Phap was one of 8 officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security of the country to be honoured.

Reporting by XUAN HAU - Translating by T.VY
