
Social welfare and order ensured in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 06, 2022, 17:28 [GMT+7]

Da Nang has made great efforts to ensure effective access to social security rights and benefits for all its citizens while ensuring social order and safety for them. as well as improving their living conditions over the past 9 months.  

Members of the Youth Union Organistion in Hoa Chau Commune, Hoa Vang District presenting gifts to local poor families in late September. Photo: XUAN DUNG
Members of the Youth Union Organistion in Hoa Chau Commune, Hoa Vang District presenting gifts to local poor families in late September. Photo: XUAN DUNG

Ensuring social protection for all

The Da Nang labour market is on the path to recovery with greater increase recorded in labour force participation, the number of employees, and median employee earnings in the third quarter of 2022 compared with the previous quarter and the same period in 2021.

The Da Nang Statistics Department said that in the first nine months of 2022, the city has organised 33 job fairs which saw the participation of 3,789 businesses and offered job opportunities to 2,818 people in total.

In addition, the city has sped up loan disbursement to create jobs for local residents. Da Nang government’s over VND 2,555 billion VND Job Creation Fund has till date provided more than VND 827 billion in loans for 14,888 employment projects in order to create jobs for 14,929 people.

Mr Nguyen Thanh Nam Deputy, the Deputy Director of the municipal Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs said that the department will continue its efforts to work with relevant agencies, authorities at local level, and businesses to organise career fairs include both in-person and virtual events in an effective way in an attempt to connect jobseekers with potential employers.

The city has identified its highest-priority task that focusses on providing best care for policy beneficiary families and people with meritorious services to the revolution. The importance is attached to providing practical support for these people to help them improve living standards.

Data provided by the municipal Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs showed that the city has so far this year spent VND  26.85 billion to repair and repair and build 732 downgraded and new houses.

Furthermore, phase 1 of a social housing project for people with meritorious services to the revolution in the 2020 - 2025 period  is underway in the city in line with the direction from the municipal government.

To mark the the 75th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day (July 27), a wide range of activities and events have been organised in Da Nang. Gifts were given to wounded soldiers, relatives of martyrs and people with meritorious services to the revolution to show gratitude to them. Besides, incense- offering ceremonies were held in the city in commemoration of the heroic martyrs who laid down their lives for the nation’s re-unification. The city also sent its delegation to offer incense and flowers in tribute to the heroic martyrs in Quang Nam Province as well as present gifts to people with meritorious services to the revolution in Hai Phong City and Thanh Hoa Province.

In its efforts to ensure “no one will be left behind”, the city has taken effective measures to ensure access to basic social services for the poor, as well as help ensure poverty escapes are sustained through practical support given to them. The focus has been paid to lifting up the poor and disadvantaged in very real and concrete ways. In the first 9 months of 2022, the city’s Fund for the Poor has raised money from individuals and organisations to build houses for the poor and disadvantaged in an effort to ensure the effective implementation of the city’s social protection program in line with the National Targeted Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction in the 2022-2025 period. The city’s Fund for the Poor has played an important role in providing housing, means of livelihood, and healthcare services, creating jobs and more in a bid to help poor and disadvantaged families improve their living conditions and sustain an escape from poverty.

Social order and safety maintained

Major General Vu Xuan Vien, the Director of the Da Nang Police Department said that the city has taken drastic measures for the prevention and suppression of crime and illgal activities in order to maintain national security, social order and traffic safety over the past 9 months, as well as ensure the safety of local residents and tourists during major public holidays and peak tourist season. Police officers has taken proactive action against cybercrime, contributing to ensuring social order and safety in the city.

Fire prevention and control is clearly identified as one of the city’s regular and most important tasks to safeguard national security, protect life and property and reduce injuries from fires, contributing to creating a safe and healthy environment for local residents. Special attention has been paid to maximising public involvement in the prevention, detection, and extinguishment of fires. Heed has been paid to regularly delivering professional skills training courses to firefighters.

Major General Vu Xuan Vien said that police officers will enhance law enforcement efforts to fight social evils to curb crimes in order to maintain social order. Besides, all necessary measures will be taken to reduce traffic accidents, control fire and explosion risk in the city, as well as strictly handle cases of traffic law violations.

Reporting by LE HUNG – Translating by H.L
