
Socialisation model on tree planting in Da Nang proves effective

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 22, 2023, 11:10 [GMT+7]

Socialisation of planting trees has brought high efficiency to Da Nang. This has helped raise public awareness in planting and protecting trees, improve the living environment of the community, and promote social resources in the management and development of urban greenery.

Urban green trees not only bring economic, environmental and health values but also are cultural heritages that contribute to the appearance and cultural identity in urban life. IN THE PHOTO: A panoramic view of a lake in the March 29 Park. Photo: KIM LIEN
Urban green trees not only bring economic, environmental and health values but also are cultural heritages that contribute to the appearance and cultural identity in urban life. IN THE PHOTO: A panoramic view of a lake in the March 29 Park. Photo: KIM LIEN

Ecological environment improvement

In early December 2022, the Son Tra District authorities organised a ceremony at a public park on The Lu Street to launch the planting of more than 30 green trees and mobilise resources from the private sector or so-called ‘socialisation’ in tree planting in parks and stroll gardens in the locality.

Ms. Pham Nguyen Thuy Duong, Vice Chairwoman of the An Hai Bac Ward People's Committee, said that the launch of the tree planting movement received a positive response from local associations, mass organisations, residential areas and people.

The ward authorities have also launched the planting of more than 100 canary, ‘Than Mat’ (scientifically known as Millettia nigrescens Gagnep) and fruit trees in parks, gardens, and cultural houses in the ward.

“In the ward, there are 9 parks and stroll gardens. Notably, trees planted in these places are all growing and developing well, creating more green space for local residents", Ms. Duong informed.

It is known that, in order to improve the landscape and urban appearance, since 2021, the Son Tra District authorities have implemented a project on building parks and stroll gardens in the locality. Accordingly, about 47 plots of land are earmarked for developing parks and gardens with a total area of 130,122m2. Of which, 35 parks and gardens with a total area of 55,034m2 have been recently constructed and upgraded.

Additionally, a number of cultural and memorial works have been upgraded and invested in more green areas in a bid to improve the living environment in residential areas, thereby contributing to increasing the density of trees in the locality in particular and the district in general.

Vice Chairman of the Son Tra District People's Committee Hoang Cong Thanh remarked that the investment is done in the direction of serving the public interest and saving the budget. Especially, the locality has paid special attention to calling on businesses and residents to support planting and taking care of trees, hereby ensuring environmental sanitation, creating landscape, meeting people's entertainment needs, and encouraging the community to participate in investment in construction, management and effective exploitation of cultural values of parks and gardens.

Meanwhile, the Lien Chieu District Urban Management Office informed that four out of the 11 large parks and gardens in the locality are regularly cared for and maintained by the district People's Committee.

For the remaining 7 parks, the district People's Committee has called on individuals and organisations in tree planting, and directed localities to monitor the situation of tree development.

Right development direction

Currently, functional bodies in Lien Chieu District are focusing on publicising about the benefits of tree planting, and raising public awareness about tree protection and care, implementing the project "Socialisation of urban green tree development in Da Nang", and expanding socialisation model on tree planting in the district.

Mr. Tran Huu Vy, Director of the Green Viet Water Biodiversity Conservation Center (GreenViet), said that the socialisation model on tree planting, especially in parks and stroll gardens, is a very suitable approach in mobilising the participation and contributions of the community to create more green spaces in the city.

As a developed urban area, Da Nang urgently needs greenery parks and gardens so as to create a common living space for the community, thereby contributing to improving air quality and protecting the environment.

The appeals for the implementation of socialisation model on tree planting in accordance with the needs and desires of the community have received active support from a large number of people, contributing to raising awareness about the importance and value of urban greenery.

In response to the 'Growing 1 billion trees in the 2021 - 2025 period' project in the city, GreenViet has been implementing the programme ‘One million urban green trees’ with the participation of many domestic enterprises and social and local organisations.

Particularly in Da Nang, under the programme, nearly 15,000 trees have been grown at schools and parks, including a public park near the Phuoc Truong Village Communal House based in Phuoc My Ward, and the Nai Nghia and Nai Hung 3 parks based in Nai Hien Dong Ward.

Reporting by V.HOANG - Translating by M.DUNG
