
The companion of pain

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 17, 2023, 11:48 [GMT+7]

With her heart and sympathy for the miserable lives, Ms Le Thi Sinh, a 31-year-old counsellor of the Social Work Services Centre, has supported, helped and advised numerous cases, mainly children, to help them overcome difficulties and advance forward.

Ms Sinh (middle) helps autistic children study.
Ms Sinh (middle) helps autistic children study.

Although Ms Sinh has to work nine-to-five, she as well as many of her coworkers working in the national switchboard to protect children 111 in the Central- Highland regions are quite stressed because they have to receive calls constantly, and handle the information relating to children or human trafficking.

In particular, she also coordinates the referral of cases related to child abuse and violations of children's rights, and consults and advises by phone on issues related to children.

On top of that, Ms Sinh directly provides emergency psychological first aid to abused children in the region and conducts assessments as well as psychotherapy for children who have been abused and children in need of psychological support. She also supports poor children with developmental disorders and psychological disorders.

It is understandable that counselling and consulting via the National Hotline for Child Protection 111 to provide support for over 2,500 calls have put great pressure on Ms Sinh and her colleagues. However, they always carefully take note of the information in detail on the internal information management board for timely intervention.

Recently, she consulted and helped a 13-year-old girl who was abused by her stepfather. The girl was so traumatized that she kept laughing and talking. After her stepfather was arrested, the girl still could not return to normal so her mother had to ask the centre for help. After a period of applying supportive methods, the girl is now stable and continues her studies.

In particular, in the past time, she has coordinated to transfer, intervene and support successfully 67/67 cases related to child abuse and violation of children's rights.

Together with local officials and legal officers, she also effectively and urgently supported all cases of abused children with severe psychological damage to help children initially stabilize emotionally and mentally, in tandem with guiding their families on how to monitor and care for them in difficult times.

At the same time, she conducts psychological assessment and therapy for more than 30 cases of children being abused, children with other special circumstances in need of psychological support, and those having developmental disorders and psychological disorders.

Also, she and her colleagues have collaborated on communication to raise awareness among junior high school pupils about mental health care and the prevention of mental disorders in Da Nang.

In particular, Ms Sinh also has the initiative that is highly appreciated by her colleagues and superiors, which is to review online platforms for appropriate application in online reception, consultation and psychotherapy for children and young people. Perhaps, helping many children get rid of difficulties in life has brought joy every day to Ms sinh.

Reporting by THIEN DI- Translating by T.VY
