
More green space created for Da Nang Hi-Tech Park

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 01, 2023, 19:33 [GMT+7]

In response to the annual Tet Tree Planting Festival initiated by late President Ho Chi Minh, the Da Nang Labour Confederation has launched the 2023 Tet tree-planting movement in the Hi-Tech Park as part of the Prime Minister-approved project to plant one billion trees nationwide by the end of 2025.

After launching the 2023 Tree Planting Festival, staff of the Da Nang Labour Confederation and grassroots trade unions planted 1,000 trees in a vacant land on road No. 1 in the Hi-Tech Park. Photo: VU LE
After launching the 2023 Tree Planting Festival, staff of the Da Nang Labour Confederation and grassroots trade unions planted 1,000 trees in a vacant land on road No. 1 in the Hi-Tech Park. Photo: VU LE

After launching the 2023 Tree Planting Festival, staff of the Da Nang Labour Confederation and grassroots trade unions planted 1,000 trees on a total area of ​​29,000m2 in a vacant land on road No. 1 in the Hi-Tech Park. Planted trees are  long-term survival, adaptive to changes in climate, and they can grow well in full shade. Included were Meliaceae, dipterocarpus alatus, Dracontomelon duperreanum and other shade-giving trees.

Da Nang Labour Confederation Chairman Nguyen Duy Minh highlighted the environmental and social benefits of planting 1,000 shade trees, including environmental protection, landscape improvements in addition to reducing the impact of changing weather conditions.    .

"I believe that thanks to a new determination of the municipal Labour Confederation this year’s event in response to the annual tree-planting campaign to express gratitude to Uncle Ho in the eternal way will yield good results, thereby contributing to creating more green space for the Hi-Tech Park, industrial parks, agencies, offices and businesses," Mr. Minh said.

The tree-planting campaign was launched by late President Ho Chi Minh in 1959 after his article had been published by Nhan Dan (People) Newspaper, highlighting the benefits of tree-planting to each citizen, family and our nation. It has since become an annual festival at the beginning of the Lunar New Year.

“Spring is the time for planting trees, making the country all the more resplendent as eternal springtime,” late President Ho Chi Minh wrote, advocating “it doesn’t cost much, yet brings enormous benefits.”

The call for tree-planting aimed to beautify national landscapes and grow forests after the country had stepped out of a devastating war to end years of colonisation by the French, which saw a severe decline in natural forests.

After the launching ceremony, the municipal Trade Union at all levels will continue to launch emulation movement to encourage their members to plant trees to express their deep gratitude to Uncle Ho in efforts to achieve the goal of greening the offices and greening the workplace on every corner.

Focus will be paid to encouraging each staff member of government departments and agencies to plant and take care of at least 1 tree at their workplace. Grassroots trade unions will open contests to take care of and decorate trees at the workplace for employees of the municipal departments and agencies. Importance will be attached to encouraging local businesses to plant trees in order to create a green space around their areas. Special attention will be paid to launching a movement themed "Gardens in the city, and garden streets " in order to motivate trade union members across the city to add more green to their residential areas, contributing to beautifying the urban landscape and protecting the environment.

Reporting by VU LE- Translating by H.L
