
Three Da Nang young people actively get involved in encouraging local communities to recycle

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
March 07, 2023, 18:00 [GMT+7]

In their efforts to show the love for the environment, a group of 3 young people together have successfully opened many second-hand markets at the Dune 45 Coffee Shop located at No. 2 on Thi Sach Street, Hai Chau District, Da Nang. The intention is to spread the word about protecting the environment and keeping our environment green, clean and beautiful through selling used items and products made of recycled materials at the market.

The second-hand market attracts a large number of young people. Photo: T.D
The second-hand market attracts a large number of young people in Da Nang. Photo: T.D

The idea of the second-hand market was developed by a 3-member group consisting of Nguyen Ngoc Thanh, Tran Ngoc Thao and Le Ba Nhat Thanh who is the owner of the Dune 45 Coffee Shop. All of them show their love for the environment so that they want to participate in meaningful activities to preserve and protect the environment through organising such a market in an attempt to reduce waste and the emissions created by producing new materials or disposing of them in landfills.

Starting from February 2022, the market has been held at the DUNE Coffee Shop once a month. The market sells such used items as clothes, ceramics, books, cameras, jewelry, and handmade products.

“Used items sold at the second-hand market have been well-cared-for, have undergone limited use, and are still in good working condition. We are happy that the event attracts a great deal of attention from local residents, especially young people. Both sellers and buyers at this market have a passion for second-hand, reusable and natural products, " said Thanh.

In order to successfully organize such an event, the group has called for public participation in selling what they have but ensure that their used items are eco-friendly cleaning products.

 “There is a high demand for second- hand products from both sellers and buyers but it is not just about selling and buying used items, the second-hand market brings together people who share the same passion for these items, and show off the love for the environment. Once a month, the market focuses on selling different items, including handmade gifts for women, healthy food and drink products; antiques, second-hand and recycled items. Especially, the market does not use plastic bags in a bid to reduce the amount of waste as shoppers are required to bring their own shopping bags ", Thanh confided.

Thanh wants to encourage Da Nang community to make use of second-hand items to extend the useful life of products through organising the second –handmarket at the Dune 45 coffee shop. Sellers of environmentally friendly products and used items now welcome in this market

Ms. Tran Ngoc Thao, a second-hand clothing seller, said that she is very happy to participate in this meaningful activity. She highlighted the importance of selling what people want to buy as well as highlighted the benefits of using second-hand clothes to the reduction of environmental pollution from the textile dyes that are particularly severe pollutants due to their high toxicity to the environment. She remarked that making use of second-hand items is one of the best ways to appreciate what we have already. She hopes that the monthly event will continue to provide the opportunity for people who share the same passion for second-hand goods to gather.

Till date, the second-hand market has been held under different themes for more than 10 times. The market aims to sell second-hand and reusable items to help buyers save money and reduce waste in an effort to protect the environment.

The group is trying to maintain such an event to spread the word to join forces to protect the environment widely through Da Nang population. The market’s organizers will start promote cashless payments in an attempt to minimize cash transactions. The second-hand market is expected to diverse its sold products in a bid to drive more engagement from general public.

Reporting by THANH DANH – Translating by H.L
