
Coast Guard Region No 2 mobilizes fishermen to combat IUU fishing and protect national sovereignty

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 14, 2023, 18:16 [GMT+7]

Over the past two years, the ‘Coastal guard working side by side to support fishermen' program jointly launched by the Da Nang Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission and  the Region 2 Coast Guard High Command has yielded positive results, thereby raising the awareness of fishermen about fisheries law to help them combat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing while engaging them with safeguarding the country's sovereignty over sea and islands.

The Region 2 Coast Guard High Command presented the national flag to fishermen in Tho Quang Ward, Son Tra District). Photo: X.HAU
The Region 2 Coast Guard High Command presented the national flag to fishermen in Tho Quang Ward, Son Tra District. Photo: X.HAU

Currently, more than 30% of Tho Quang Ward’s total households engage in fisheries-related activities with a combined total of 426 fishing boats.

Mrs Le Thi Bich Thuan, the Deputy Secretary of the Tho Quang Ward Party Committee highlighted huge efforts the Coast Guard Region No 2 has made to join hands with functional forces and local authorities to launch awareness raising campaigns to educate local fishermen in an attempt to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing.

Besides, the Coast Guard has donated a total of more than 200 million VND and thousands of national flags to disadvantaged fishermen and policy beneficiary families in the ward. Furthermore, they has focused on raising their awareness about fisheries law with leaflets.  

“Offshore fishing brings economic benefits to fishermen but it carries high risk to health and safety risks, mostly related to weather. However, the Region 2 Coast Guard are ready to provide timely and effective support for fishermen in search and rescue operations so that fishermen can feel secure while fishing at sea", said Mrs. Thuan.

Fisherman Truong Cong Tiep, a resident of Tho Quang Ward said: " the ‘Coastal guard working side by side to support fishermen' program proves effective in helping us understand better about the fisheries law, thereby encouraging us to uphold a confident spirit of sticking to the sea, exploiting seafood in Viet Nam’s waters, comply with the Law of the Sea in efforts to contribute to riding Viet Nam of the European Union's yellow card".

Meanwhile, in Lien Chieu District, the program engages not only local fishermen but also school pupils.

In 2022, Lien Chieu District focused on raising awareness of school pupils about legal documents on Viet Nam’s sea and islands with the organization of a knowledge contest and a painting competition.

Previously in 2021 and 2022, heed had been paid to giving 220 gifts valued at VND 1 million each to poor fishermen, as well as donated 32 bicycles and granted 80 scholarships to children from poor fishing families.

Colonel Le Huy Sinh, the Political Commissar of the Region 2 Coast Guard High Command remarked that the unit would continue its efforts to increase awareness of fishermen about Law relating to Fisheries Regulation, as well as call for their participation in the fight against IUU fishing, protecting the national sovereignty over sea and islands, complying with international and national regulations to ensure safety and security at sea in a bid to effectively implement the above-mentioned program.

Importance will be attached to organizing timely rescue of any person in distress at sea and providing timely support for those who need it during severe weather in order to ensure the safety of fishermen at sea. Special attention will be given to launching awareness raising campaigns to increase the responsibility of every Vietnamese citizen, especially each fisherman, to preserve and protect the sacred sovereignty of the sea and islands of the country.

Mr Le Van Trung, the Da Nang Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission said that over the past two years, the city has achieved fruitful results in raising public awareness about the national government’s guidelines and policies, and legal provisions on fisheries in order to stop illegal fishing on the high seas through launching education campaigns in different ways, to reach fishermen and school pupils.

“In the coming time, the awareness raising campaign will reach out to ethnic groups and religious populations in innovative and diverse ways, contributing to improving the program’s effectiveness," added Mr. Le Van Trung.

Reporting by XUAN HAU – NGUYEN QUANG – Translating by H.L
