
Da Nang's tourism district builds more public parks and gardens for its inhabitants

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
April 13, 2023, 16:25 [GMT+7]

In its efforts to create more urban green spaces for the local inhabitants,​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ the Son Tra District Authority in Da Nang has focused on building more public parks and stroll gardens for people to spend their free time, thereby contributing to creating more green spaces in urban areas to add natural beauty to the city and improve the health and well-being of local residents. Son Tra District is a hub for tourism, finance, trade and marine economy in Da Nang.

A leader of the Son Tra District Authority (left) planted trees in a stroll garden on Phan Huy Chu Street. Photo: T.H
A leader of the Son Tra District Authority (left) planted trees in a stroll garden on Phan Huy Chu Street. Photo: T.H

In early April, the Son Tra District Urban Management Division coordinated with authorities of Phuoc My and An Hai Bac wards to launch the tree planting campaign in a stroll garden at the corner of Nguyen Cong Tru - Chinh Huu - My Khe 7 streets as part of the district’s the project to build more public parks and stroll gardens for its residents.

Accordingly, this stroll garden located in the middle of Phuoc My and An Hai Bac wards is the second one that has been built in Son Tra District in 2023 with funding from local budget. The new development features infrastructure items, walking area, courtyard, exercise equipment, and more.

The district’s socialization of green tree supply for public parks and gardens aims to mobilize all available and possible resources in society toward public green spaces. These supplies were mainly sponsored by the GreenViet Biodiversity Conservation Center (GreenViet). In early March, the Son Tra District Authority launched a campaign to call for socialization of planting trees in local public parks and gardens in 2023.

After the launching ceremony, officials and people of An Hai Tay Ward, and the district as a whole, planted 28 mango and custard apple trees of 1-2m in height in a public park nestled in An Trung 2 residential area, An Hai Tay Ward. All these trees were donated to the district by Green Viet. It is known that in 2021 and 2022, Green Viet donated a combined total of more than 13,000 trees that were planted in 5 public parks and gardens in Nai Hien Dong and An Hai Bac wards.

Mr Cao Hoang Thang, the Head of the Son Tra District Urban Management Division remarked that shade trees such as rusty-shield and monkeypod trees were planted in most of local public parks in the past in a bid to increase tree canopy coverage and provide shade for park visitors. However, fruit trees such as jackfruit, toad, guava, mango, custard apple are now already added in these public areas in order to satisfy the needs of local people while these species are appropriate to local climate, light, soil, moisture conditions, and space availability.

The District authority has asked the local Urban Management Division to carry out leveling and cleaning operations, create walkways to build new public parks and gardens, as well as place stone benches and install exercise equipment in these places. Besides, heed should be paid to calling on individuals and organizations to donate trees to grow in public parks and gardens in addition on calling for public engagement in planting trees and taking care of them.

Mr. Hoang Cao Thang highlighted the importance of planting and caring for trees in serving the public interest, ensuring traffic safety, and saving money. He also underscored the need to call for the involvement of organizations and individuals in these activities. In the near future, the district will continue to build 2 more public parks and stroll gardens, as well as call for socialization of green tree supply and public engagement in protecting and caring for trees in their local public places.

Mr Hoang Cong Thanh, the Vice Chairman of the Son Tra District People's Committee said that the district currently has more than 47 land plots planned for public parks and gardens with a total area of ​​more than 130,120 square meters, of which, 35 covering an area of ​​more than 55,030 square meters have already built in the district.

In 2021, the Son Tra District Authority issued a plan to build more public parks and gardens in the 2021-2025 period. In the past two years, the district has built a combined total of 12 parks and stroll gardens that have equipped with the necessary infrastructure, lighting, entertainment and exercise equipment while their construction cost has been funded by the State budget.

The district is calling on organizations and individuals to donate trees to grow in local public parks and gardens in 2023 and subsequent years.

In 2022, the Da Nang government issued a plan to grow trees in the Son Tra Peninsula in the 2022-2025 period to make it different from other tourist attractions in the city, as well as make it more inviting to domestic and international tourists in efforts to enhance the natural value of all landscapes in this site which is a 'must-see' for all those visiting the city, as well as create its own identities, and create a highlight for the city. Trees to be planted in the Son Tra Peninsula will include Than Mat (scientifically known as Millettia nigrescens Gagnep), giant crape-myrtle that will create brilliant colours in this inviting site when their flower season arrives.

Apart from building public parks and gardens and calling for socialization of tree planting in public areas, the district authority has distributed Than Mat seedlings nurtured by the Son Tra District Veterans’ Association and typical species of the Son Tra Forest to residential areas, schools, and government offices across the district to plant them in these places.

Reporting by THU HA – translating by H.L
