
Action Month for Agent Orange Victims 2023 to be launched in late July

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 30, 2023, 10:28 [GMT+7]

A ceremony to launch the Action Month for Agent Orange (AO) Victims 2023 and the ‘Joining Hands to Relieve the Pain of AO Victims’ programme will be held at 7:30pm on July 31 at the Da Nang-based Trung Vuong Theatre.

The events will be co-organised by the municipal Association of AO Victims, the Da Nang Radio - Television Station, the city’s Military Command, the municipal War Veterans’ Association, the municipal Youth Union, and the municipal Department of Education and Training. They will be broadcast live on the Da Nang Radio and Television channels (Da Nang TV) in order to pay tribute to generous benefactors for their active involvement in charity activities in the city.

According to the Da Nang Association of AO Victims, activities in the action month aim to raise public awareness about the dangerous nature and long-term consequences of the AO disaster on the environment and human health, as well as widely publicise guidelines and policies of the Party and State in the work of overcoming the AO consequences in Viet Nam.

At the same time, the purpose of the programme is to call for sympathy and accompany the whole society in overcoming the consequences of AO.

The Association strives to raise VND3 billion to help more than 5,000 AO victims in difficult circumstances. Meanwhile, each district and district-level chapter of the Association targets to build a fund of at least VND30 million, and each ward and commune VND5 million.

Reporting by LE HUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
