
Sustainable poverty reduction in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 28, 2023, 19:30 [GMT+7]

The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress continued to identify sustainable poverty reduction as a national major and consistent policy in the cause of the renewal and construction and defence of the country. In which, the country targets to maintain its multidimensional poverty rate at 1-1.5% per year. Da Nang has made ceaseless efforts to reap positive results in poverty reduction.

Leaders of Thanh Khe District’s Thanh Khe Tay Ward People’s Committee giving means of livelihood to the poor. Photo: NGOC HA
Leaders of Thanh Khe District’s Thanh Khe Tay Ward People’s Committee giving means of livelihood to the poor. Photo: NGOC HA

Concretization of poverty reduction policy

On June 23, 2021, the 13th Party Central Committee's Secretariat issued Directive No. 05 on strengthening the Party's leadership in sustainable poverty reduction to 2030, as well as identifying sustainable poverty reduction as a major and consistent policy of Viet Nam’s national government, plus an important, regular and long-term political task of the country’s whole political system and society, contributing to the realization of social progress and justice, and constantly improving the material and spiritual life of Vietnamese people. Based on national government’s Resolution No. 160 dated December 22, 2021 on the detailed implementation plan for Directive No. 05, the Da Nang Party Committee released the Plan No. 31 on September 17, 2021 and the Resolution No. 11 dated 5-7-2022 on strengthening the Party's leadership for sustainable poverty reduction towards 2030. Besides, the municipal People's Committee issued Plan No. 29 dated January 28, 2022 on implementing sustainable poverty reduction in the city to 2030. The focus has been on promoting socialization, mobilizing and effectively using financial resources for poverty reduction. Greater efforts have been made to continue improving the effectiveness and efficiency of State management over poverty reduction, perfecting the city’s policies and solutions for poverty reduction in line with the city’s sustainable development goals.

Apart from timely implementation of national government’s support policies, the city has also issued resolutions regulating specific policies to provide practical support for poor and near-poor households in a synchronous and timely way. Favourable conditions have been created for ‘newly escaped from poverty’ households to get full access to healthcare service, education, housing, vocational education, and employment in bid to help them escape poverty sustainably and prevent them from falling back into poverty and achieve sustainable development.

In 2022, the Da Nang government has approved a policy to support 20% of the total medical examination and treatment costs for poor households in accordance with the city's poverty threshold while these people are eligible to get the same benefits of health care services as poor households based on the national poverty line. The intention was to help the poor feel more secure in accessing the city’s support policies for medical treatment. In the 2021-2023 period, the city has raised more than VND 748.5 billion for its poverty reduction program, including nearly VND 287 billion from the city’s budget, close to VND 184 billion from credit capital, and over VND 277 billion donated by individuals and organizations inside and outside the city.

Don't leave anyone behind

Currently, authorities at local level in Da Nang are implementing support policies for poor and near-poor households along with ‘newly escaped from poverty’ ones in a synchronous and effective manner. In addition, local-level authorities have coordinated with local mass organizations to hold direct dialogue with poor households to beter understand their needs and aspirations in a bid to create appropriate solutions to support them, thereby improving the effectiveness of their programmes in reducing poverty.

Mr. Doan Ngoc Chung, the Director of the Da Nang branch of  the Viet Nam Bank for Social Policies (VBSP) remarked that since 202, the Da Nang branch of VBSP has worked with authorities at local level and relevant local agencies to offer loans totaling VND 171.79 billion to 1,077 poor households, 800 near-poor households and 1,200 ‘newly escaped from poverty’ ones. Over the past 20 years, the Da Nang branch of VBSP has lent a combined total of VND3,811 billion to 64,045 poor people.

Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, the Deputy Director of the Municipal Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs said that the city has conducted best practices and optimized its resources for sustainable poverty reduction. She remarked that positive outcomes in the city’s poverty reduction over recent years were mainly attributed to great efforts of the city’s government and local people and active involvement of social organizations, relevant local agencies and local-level authorities. She added that the city has taken initiatives to reduce poverty with a focus on ensuring synchronous and effective implementation of specific support policies for poor and extremely poor households. Importance has been attached to adopting practical, comprehensive and sustainable solutions to help families lift themselves out of poverty.

Reporting by HOANG NHUNG – Translating by H.L

According to Da Nang government’s plan No. 29 dated January 28, 2022 on implementing sustainable poverty reduction towards 2030, the city's specific target for the 2022-2025 period is to reduce the proportion of poor households with working capacity according the city’s poverty line to 1-1.5% per year. There will be no poor households with working capacity according the city’s poverty line by late 2025. In the 2026-2030 period, the city strives to achieve its goal of sustainable multidimensional poverty alleviation, as well as help the poor and poor families to get full access to basic social services and improve their quality of life.


