
DIFF 2023 Finale: Bridging distance for getting closer together

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 08, 2023, 22:16 [GMT+7]

On Saturday evening, the grand finale of the Da Nang International Fireworks Festival (DIFF) 2023 themed 'Light up the borderless world' officially took place with the participation of two fireworks teams from France and Italy.

Da Nang leaders are seen at the final competition night of DIFF 2023
Da Nang leaders are seen attending the final competition night of DIFF 2023

After more than a month of competing in the qualifying rounds, two fireworks teams from France and Italy soon returned to Da Nang to prepare for tonight's show.

Municipal People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh (left) presenting the sponsorship certificate to Sun Group representative.
Municipal People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh (left) presenting the sponsorship certificate to Sun Group representative.

In his remarks at the finale night, municipal People's Committee Chairman Le Trung Chinh said that DIFF 2023, the city's own brand event, has returned after a three-year hiatus due to COVID-19 with the participation of 8 teams around the world.

Chairman Chinh hoped that the art of fireworks with the sublimation and harmony of light, colours and music in the previous four competition nights created unforgettable emotions and experience for local residents, and tourists at both home and abroad.

With the main theme of 'Light up the borderless world', Da Nang wants to convey a message of bridging the geographical distance so that countries and ethnic groups worldwide come closer together with the desire for peace, love and hope for good things.

"After tonight, DIFF 2023 will close but the city's dreams and aspirations will continue to be nurtured and spread. We will constantly make every effort so that every citizen can enjoy happiness, and a sustainable living environment with nature.

Unique and attractive cultural programme with the participation of domestic singer Van Mai Huong and the city's dance troupe.
Unique and attractive cultural programme with the participation of domestic singer Van Mai Huong and Da Nang's dance troupe.

The special musical programme before the competition featured famous domestic singers, including Thu Minh, Van Mai Huong, Mai Tien Dung and Minh Ngoc.

Singer Van Mai Huong, plus domestic and international dancers, opened the musical programme with the medley of songs "Take me to the Sun - Huong". The cheerful lyrics and rhythms in the medley warmed up the atmosphere, creating excitement for the audience.

A unique art performance
A special art performance

Next, singers Mai Tien Dung and Minh Ngoc respectively brought to the audience two new songs 'Together Viet Nam' and 'Going back to Da Nang with me' as an invitation to tourists at home and abroad to Da Nang, and Viet Nam as a whole.

In addition, singers Van Mai Huong and Mai Tien Dung together performed the famous musical song 'A whole new world' from the classic cartoon Aladdin, bringing visitors into a magical fairy tale world.

Notably, the famous singer Thu Minh appeared to "ignite" the DIFF final stage with the mashup 'Live like me 20', 'Going on like this'. The vibrant melody combined with the energetic and colourful choreography of international artists made the atmosphere waiting for the winning team's result more intense than ever.

Reporting by DNO - Translating by M.DUNG
