
Da Nang focuses on attracting and retaining top talent to drive its growth

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
October 06, 2023, 11:25 [GMT+7]

Da Nang will become a national hub of social and economic activities, finance, startups, and innovations as part of the 2030 Agenda for the city’s growth and development to 2030, with a vision to 2045 which was defined in the Politburo’s Resolution No. 43 dated January 24, 2019. Hence, Da Nang identified talent attraction and the development of high-quality human resources as its important, regular and long-term goals and tasks in a bid to improve the quality of human resources to achieve the city’s sustainable development goals.

Master’s degree graduates received their diplomas at the Commencement Ceremony at the Da Nang University of Science and Technology in September 2023. Photo: HOANG NHUNG
Master’s degree graduates received their diplomas at the Commencement Ceremony at the Da Nang University of Science and Technology in September 2023. Photo: HOANG NHUNG

Rejuvenating and upskilling the public sector workforce

Da Nang has made appropriate adjustments in line with the city's socio-economic situations and its human resource requirements for a specific time period in an effort to attract the best talent for each field. As a result, a young workforce with higher professional qualifications and a sense of responsibility has been added to the city's public sector. Since 2019, Da Nang city has implemented a policy to attract the right talent to work on a long-term, and short-term or part-time basis at municipal government departments and agencies.

The implementation of a policy to attract talent and upskill the public sector workforce has helped Da Nang have a well-trained and skilled workforce which has been provided by prestigious domestic and foreign training institutes, contributing to rejuvenating public sector employees. Hence, a young workforce have been developed for the city’s public sector. They are dynamic, and find it easy to have access to scientific knowledge and modern technology as they master advanced management skills and innovative thinking.

According to the Da Nang Department of Science and Technology, internationally trained professionals demonstrate a passion for their work, and a strong sense of discipline, feel confidence at work, as well as master problem-solving skills, and creative thinking. In addition, they have a strong sense of responsibility, and professional ethics to fulfill their assigned work. Some of them have made positive and outstanding contributions to their organizations with specific products.

Since 2018, the city has opened a combined total of 14 short-term training courses for more than 300 trainees, including 8 domestic training programs and 6 overseas training ones with a focus on training in the healthcare field. Since 2004, the city has sent a total of 613 people to attend domestic and overseas training courses , of whom, 155 have studied the medical doctor educational program  and residency training program, 338 have studied the undergraduate training program, and 120 have studied the postgraduate training program. As of late February 2023, 374 of the city’s total trainees had already finished their training courses, of whom, 317 are working for the city’s public sector.

Attracting talent for certain fields

The Da Nang government has issued the plan No. 3919 on employee training and staff development, talent attraction and retention for the public sector until 2030 in order to achieve the city’s goal of developing the city into the socio-economic hub at national and regional levels, a center for startups, innovations, tourism, trade, finance, logistics, hi-tech industry, information technology, supporting industries by 2030 in line with the Politburo’s Resolution No. 43 dated July 19, 2022.

The development of high-quality human resources has contributed to improving the quality of the city's staff resources with the aim of training the best managers and experts for the city, as well as improving workplace environment for better productivity, thereby contributing to driving the city's socio-economic development. However, the city has till date yet to attract top talent and the best technical talent for its spearhead industries.

Therefore, the city will boost its efforts to attract and retain the best talent for its key projects and sectors in a bid to encourage them to stay with the city for the very long term in line with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 899 dated July 31, 2023 on the National Strategy for attracting and retaining talents to 2030, with a vision to 2050.

Accordingly, the city has already made adjustments to its policy to develop high-quality human resources in the public sector with a focus on offering great benefits to attract and retain the best experts and scientists, plus special talents. High priority is given to attracting outstanding graduates at nationwide universities, young scientists, master's and PhD holders to the city’s most in- demand industries, along with talent leaders and managers in the public sector.

Furthermore, importance will be attached to attracting special talents, including the best artists, athletes and coaches, in the fields of culture, arts, and sports. Moreover, heed will be paid to attracting the best experts and scientists to work part-time, or full-time on a short-term basis in the city's key projects and such the city's spearhead industries as tourism, and high- quality services associated with the resort real estate sector, seaports and airlines associated with logistics services, hi-tech industry associated with creative urban construction, startups, information technology, electronics, and telecommunications associated with the digital economy; hi-tech agriculture, fisheries, financial technology, urban development, natural resources and environment.

Reporting by HOANG NHUNG – Translating by H.L
