
A shining example of perseverance and determination

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 11, 2023, 19:06 [GMT+7]

Ms. Le Thi Dieu Anh, a member of the Da Nang association of Youth With Disabilities has been honoured for her unwavering spirit at the "Light of the Vietnamese Perseverance" programme 2023.

Launched by the Viet Nam Youth Federation and the National Committee for Vietnamese Persons with Disabilities, the "Light of the Vietnamese Perseverance" programme aims to honour young people who constantly strive to overcome disabilities and spread positive energy by inspiring stories to guide the ideal of a good life for young people.

Ms. Le Thi Dieu Anh (left) was among the honourees at the
Ms. Le Thi Dieu Anh (left) was among the honourees at the "Light of the Vietnamese Perseverance" programme 2023.

After returning from Ha Noi, Ms. Dieu Anh describes this award as an invaluable gift she has received after years of relentless efforts, despite the challenges of navigating life with impaired legs.

For Dieu Anh, being able to walk is not just an ability, it is a statement of her indomitable spirit. From being a girl paralyzed in her right leg due to a childhood illness, Dieu Anh gradually recovered, leaving her wheelchair behind and embracing the support of crutches in every move.

"Being rich or poor doesn't matter. What's important is to be self-sufficient and not be a burden to family and loved ones," shared Dieu Anh about her life philosophy.

She recounted that she was born perfectly healthy like other children, but a fever at the age of one caused her right leg to wither and eventually become paralyzed.

At the age of six, after reaching a certain height and weight, she underwent a major surgery to regain sensation in her legs. While the surgery was relatively successful, it only enabled her to walk with the support of crutches.

"At that time, my family was very poor. My parents couldn't afford the school fees for all their children. Thinking I living with leg impairments wouldn't benefit from education, I decided to quit school and let my siblings continue their studies. Even though I dropped out of school, I could read and write with the teaching of my mother," shared Dieu Anh.

Her family supported her to learn embroidery when she was 15 years old. Fortunately, upon venturing into this profession, Dieu Anh received an invitation from Phan Thi Thanh, a kindred spirit, to collaborate on sewing and mending clothes together. Through years of dedicated work with Thanh, Dieu Anh mastered the basics of sewing.

In her efforts to assist young people in similar situation to herself, Dieu Anh has joined efforts with the Da Nang association of Youth With Disabilities, established a sewing group called "Dong Thuan," in an attempt to provide vocational training and create employment opportunities for its members.

Dieu Anh has been active in participating in training sessions for people with disabilities in order to provide them with support for career guidance and vocational training, thereby helping them rise up to life's challenges for a better future.

Dieu Anh revealed that her daily routine now involves taking care of her young child, sewing, and making and selling pastries, yogurt, and fruits online. In addition to her family responsibilities, she is also active in participating in almost all activities of the Da Nang association of Youth With Disabilities.

She holds the belief that, even if life falls short of our expectations, it is crucial to maintain a state of happiness and optimism, and foster love within oneself and the family. Disabled individuals should never feel inferior, instead, they should prove that they are capable despite their disabilities.

In recent times, with the support from the Da Nang association of Youth With Disabilities, Dieu Anh purchased her second sewing machine, enabling her to have a stable monthly income of VND 5-7 million.

She hopes that more and more young people with disabilities will be able to receive vocational training and financial support from local authorities to help them have a stable life.

With the message "Live honestly, live responsibly, live with determination," the "Light of the Vietnamese Perseverance" programme annually honours about 50 outstanding disabled youth for overcoming adversity through resilience The intention is to cultivate a positive attitude in young people, especially persons with disabilities, as well as inspire them rise up to life's challenges for a better future..

Dieu Anh was Da Nang's only one person who was honoured at this year’s the "Light of the Vietnamese Perseverance" programme.

Dieu Anh has become a shining example of perseverance and determination for people in similar situation to herself to follow.

"Disability is just a disruption, not misfortune. I am fortunate to have a family, a husband, and two sons who always support me, and a community that loves and bonds together. That is the motivation, the joy that drives me to strive and work hard in life to achieve the success," Dieu Anh candidly expressed.

Reported by HUYNH LE - Translated by THAO TRANG
