
Online market for cooperatives' products needed in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 14, 2023, 15:45 [GMT+7]

On Wednesday, the Institute of Science, Technology and Environment under the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance coordinated with the Da Nang Cooperative Alliance to deploy a number of solutions to support cooperatives and members in ethnic minority and mountainous areas to apply information technology and digital transformation in production and consumption of products in Central Viet Nam.

The workshop in progress
The workshop in progress

Currently, the central region is home to 6,510 cooperatives and cooperative unions, including 349 newly established ones. This shows that the collective economy and cooperatives are still the economic model of choice, consistent with the current development trend in our country.

Cooperatives and cooperative unions have made important contributions to the production of a large volume of products, bringing positive values both economically and socially.

However, the majority of cooperatives are still very confused in production and business activities, as well as face difficulties in solving product output and consumption.

The main reason is thought to be that cooperatives have not kept up with social development requirements, and have been slow in applying information technology and digital transformation to production, business and consumption activities. This is even more difficult and challenging for cooperatives in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

Therefore, Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Environment under the Viet Nam Cooperative Alliance Le Tuan An underlined a must-do for Da Nang to take solutions to support the effective development of collectives and cooperative economies in the region.

This is also a basis to motivate and encourage cooperative members, and ethnic minority and mountainous people to participate in economic development, and improve income and living conditions.

Importance should be attached to building an electronic information page to widely publicise legal knowledge to cooperative members and people in ethnic minorities and mountainous areas; developing a number of information technology applications to serve professional activities; and supporting the maintenance of an online market for cooperatives' products.

Reporting by HOANG HIEP - Translating by M.DUNG
