
School fire safety strengthened

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 17, 2023, 11:18 [GMT+7]

On Saturday, authorities in Thanh Khe District provided legal knowledge on fire prevention and fighting and rescue to more than 500 leaders, officials, civil servants, government employees, and school teachers and its staff across the district.

Teachers, staff, and workers are given fire prevention handbooks. Photo: NGOC HA
Teachers, staff, and workers are given fire prevention handbooks. Photo: NGOC HA

During the event, the participants were provided with the law on fire prevention and rescue, general knowledge about fire prevention and rescue, skills, preventive measures, self-management, self-defense, and self-protection in possible fire and explosion situations.

At the same time, they were instructed about how to use fire protection systems at schools; and how to safely escape from a fire, rescue victims, and provide first aid.

According to police in Thanh Khe District, currently, many schools in the locality fall short of fire safety standards, putting thousands of lives at risk. Those schools operate without fire prevention and control systems or have systems in disrepair,

Therefore, there is a fire or explosion incident, it is easy to panic, especially in kindergartens, and primary schools, because pupils are too young.

Thus, the organisation of fire prevention and fighting at schools is especially important.

It is expected that in the coming time, the district authorities will continue to propagate fire prevention and rescue to leaders, officers, civil servants, public employees, agencies, other organisations and business households in residential areas.

​Reporting by NGOC HA - Translating by M.DUNG
