
Rain, cool temperatures expected to linger in Da Nang until next Thursday

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 03, 2024, 18:49 [GMT+7]

Rainy and cold conditions are prevailing in Central Viet Nam as a cold front is moving into the southern part of Viet Nam, according to Viet Nam’s National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.

The cold front will continue usher in rain, cooler temperatures and gusty winds across central region. Scattered showers and thunderstorms are expected across the parts from Quang Binh to Binh Dinh, including Da Nang, Wednesday, with a chance lingering into Thursday, January  4.

Thunderstorms can produce tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong winds, national forecasters have warned.

Wednesday into Friday, the cold front will continue to bring scattered rains and cool temperatures to Da Nang as the minimum temperature is expected to be  22 to 23 degrees Celsius.

The national weather service has forecast cloudy skies but no rain in Da Nang for Saturday, January 6 with the minimum temperature expected to hover around 22 degrees Celsius. Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers is possible in Da Nang from Sunday into next Thursday, January 11. The minimum temperature is predicted to hover around s 22-24 degrees Celsius during the forecast period.

From Wednesday, the Gulf of Tonkin will see strong northeasterly winds at level 6, and the gusts reaching at level 8, as well rough seas with waves as high 1.5-2.5m while the Northern East Sea (including the waters of the Hoang Sa (Paracel) Archipelago), could witness strong cold northeasterly wind at levels 6 to 7, and the gusts reaching levels 8 to 9, as well as experience rough seas with waves as high as 2-4m.

The open waters off the Binh Dinh - Ca Mau Coast could experience strong northeasterly winds at level 6, and the gusts reaching levels 7 to 8, as well as rough seas with waves as high as 2-3m.

Reporting by HOANG HIEP – translating by H.L
