
Efforts to boost digital transformation and develop semiconductor industry in 2024

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 15, 2024, 18:21 [GMT+7]

On Thursday, the first working day after Tet break, Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang and Chairman of the municipal People's Committee Le Trung Chinh visited the Intelligent Operation Centre (IOC) and the Da Nang Semiconductor and Artificial Intelligence Center for Research and Training (DSAC).

Secretary Nguyen Van Quang wished happy Lunar New Year and gave lucky money to workers at the IOC. Photo: M.Q
Secretary Nguyen Van Quang wished happy Lunar New Year and gave lucky money to workers at the IOC. Photo: M.Q

Secretary Quang sent Tet greetings to leaders, officers and staff of the IOC. He also highly appreciated the operation of the centre as a focal point for collecting information and data from smart district-level and specialised OCs, and applications and systems of agencies, units and communities in recent times.

Mr. Quang hoped that the IOC will continue to promote the results achieved, actively monitor the situation, and provide comprehensive data on the city's activities so that leaders can have detailed direction and management information.

Wishing a happy lunar new year to DSAC leaders and workers, municipal Party chief Quang hoped that DSAC will best promote its role in promoting, training and fostering the fields of IC design, semiconductors and artificial intelligence.

Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (6th, right) and some of the city leaders visited DSAC. Photo: M.Q
Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Quang (6th, right) and some of the city leaders visited DSAC. Photo: M.Q

In addition, he expressed his desire that DSAC will attract more investment in the fields of microchips, semiconductors and artificial intelligence; as well as cooperate with domestic and foreign partners to support and promote research activities and incubate start-up businesses in the fields of circuit design, semiconductors and artificial intelligence.

DSAC was established on January 26, 2024. It has a streamlined apparatus including a board of directors and 2 specialided departments (Administrative and Training Department; and Scientific Research and International Cooperation Department).

In the 2024-2025 period, DSAC focuses on implementing 4 main groups of tasks: completing the legal framework on organisational and operational structure, job position project, consolidating the entire human resources and facilities substance for DSAC; proposing a draft policy mechanism to develop the field of semiconductor and artificial intelligence in Da Nang; deploying training activities; and boosting international cooperation activities and supporting businesses.

Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ho Ky Minh (4th, right) visited and wished Tet greetings at the Da Nang Development Investment Fund. Photo: M.Q
Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ho Ky Minh (4th, right) visited and wished Tet greetings at the Da Nang Development Investment Fund. Photo: M.Q

In the morning of the same day, Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Ho Ky Minh visited and extended Tet greetings to leaders and workers of the Da Nang Development Investment Fund.

He praised the unit for successfully completing its assigned tasks in 2023.

He took the opportunity to ask the fund to promote lending, bring preferential capital to businesses with investment needs for production and business expansion activities.

​Reporting by M.QUE - Translating by M.DUNG, T.TUNG
