
Village of Hope - a place to give wings to dreams of disadvantaged children

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
February 21, 2024, 18:11 [GMT+7]

When visiting disadvantaged children being cared for at the Da Nang Village of Hope in the first day of spring 2024, we can fully see the love and noble responsibility of caregivers who are called ‘fathers’ and ‘mothers’ by children here. These caregivers have been lighting up more faith and hope for children in turning their dreams into reality.

Vice President of the Da Nang Association for Supporting Disadvantaged Women and Children Do Thi Kinh Linh (4th, left) gives gifts to children of the Village of Hope.
Vice President of the Da Nang Association for Supporting Disadvantaged Women and Children Do Thi Kinh Linh (4th, left) gives gifts to children of the Village of Hope.

Over the past three decades, the Village of Hope has nurtured more than 800 children in difficult circumstances in Da Nang and neighbouring provinces.

At present, the place is caring for 122 children, some of whom are fatherless, motherless, disabled, and have extremely difficult families. The youngest is 6 years old, whilst the oldest is 18 years old.

Aside from sessions at local schools, children are facilitated to learn life skills, and learn how to embroider, sew and draw.

The village is divided into small "families". The girls' family is called "The Ringed Bird", whilst the boys' family is the "Nightingale". In each of these "families", there are special "mothers" who have been with their unlucky "children" all their lives.

Mrs. Pham Thi Tien has been with the children at the Village of Hope for 30 years. She is extremely moved to see her "children" graduating universities or colleges and then returning to the village to help other children. It can be said that this is a source of encouragement for her and other "mothers" to become more attached to the Village.

At the Village, ‘fathers’ and ‘mothers’ often work from 7:00 am until 7:00 am the next day to take care of their "children".

Director of the Village Phan Thanh Vinh said the Village of Hope was established in 1993 and it is considered the second home for orphans and disabled children.

Mrs. Ha Thi Thanh who is responsible for teaching literacy class for children with disabilities remarked that teaching deaf and mute children faced many difficulties. However, the children are very studious and obedient to teachers, officials, and staff at the Village. “That is a great source of encouragement for us to stand on the podium until today" Mrs. Thanh confided.

Since its establishment, 450 children of the village have graduated from public schools, got suitable jobs and married, and achieved many successes in life.

The greatest pride of the "fathers", "mothers" as well as officials and employees at the Village is to see their "children" growing up and being mature.

Notably, four children are studying in the US, 4 others in Australia, and 14 others in Japan. Many of them have stable jobs.

However, the happiest are those who have finished studying, and could stay to work, live and settle down in places with better conditions, they decided to return to the Village to become ‘mothers’ of the next generations of children.

Ms. Ho Thi Hien is a typical example. She is one of the "children" of the Village and returns to the village to work.

She said "I used to be a child of the Village and I understand the hardships of mothers and the thoughts of children. After growing up, getting married and becoming a mother, I also had experience raising children, so I decided to return to the Village to continue planting green seeds of hope".

Meanwhile, Mr. Tran Vu Xuan who used to live in the Village for a long time is currently the leader of the alumni group of the Village. Mr. Xuan's group has developed the Village's website and raised funds to buy necessities for the Village.

During his time in the Village, Mr. Xuan was cared for, taught, and guided by "mother" Tien. He has never been shy when sharing with people about the fact that he used to live in the Village of Hope. On the contrary, he is very grateful and proud to be a member of the Village and to be raised and educated by "mother" Tien.

“Up to now, we can be proud of developing facilities, improving the environment, and building a lifestyle and working environment for children” Director of Hope Village Phan Thanh Vinh shared.

​Reporting by THU TRANG - Translating by M.DUNG
