
Action Month for Children 2024 kicks off in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 07, 2024, 18:10 [GMT+7]

The Action Month for Children 2024 was launched at a ceremony held in Da Nang on Friday.

Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Quang Nam speaking at the launching ceremony. Photo: X.D
Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Committee Le Quang Nam speaking at the launching ceremony. Photo: X.D

This year’s Action Month for Children, themed “Acting practically, prioritising resources for children”, aims to assist each commune to build or upgrade one facility for children, and encourage each member of socio-political and social organisations to take a practical action for children.

In attendance at the launching ceremony were Vice Chairwoman of the municipal People's Council Nguyen Thi Anh Thi, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee Le Quang Nam, and 200 children who are representatives of Children's Councils at all levels and children with special circumstances citywide.

In his remarks at the launching ceremony, Vice Chairman Le Quang Nam said that the work of protecting, caring for and educating children has been among top concern of Party committees, authorities, sectors, unions and social organisations at all levels, plus communities, schools and families, in recent years.

The city has also issued many specific policies for children in the fields of social assistance, medical care, education and life; as well as devoted resources to invest in facilities, implement welfare projects, and provide social services for children. This has significantly contributed to building a healthy, equitable social environment, thereby ensuring the comprehensive development of children, especially those in special circumstances.

On behalf of the city leaders, Mr. Nam acknowledged and highly appreciated the efforts of sectors, associations and localities in implementing the work of protecting, caring for and educating children; and the contribution of organisations and individuals in supporting and helping children.

He also praised outstanding students who have overcome all obstacles and difficulties to excel in life and study.

Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People's Council Nguyen Thi Anh Thi presenting scholarships to students with extremely difficult circumstances. Photo: X.D
Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People's Council Nguyen Thi Anh Thi presenting scholarships to students with extremely difficult circumstances. Photo: X.D

To achieve the goals of Action Month for Children 2024, towards building a safe, child-friendly city, Vice Chairman Nam requested departments, branches, associations, organisations and localities to pay attention to widely publicising and disseminating legal knowledge on child protection, prevention skills, self-protection, thereby minimising the risk of harm to children.

Greater efforts should be made to enhance initiative, creativity and timely coordination in implementing preventive, support and intervention measures to handle children's problems; limit the situation of children violating the law and being abused; reduce the number of violence, accidents, injuries, drowning, and traffic accidents related to children; and strictly deal with cases of violation of children's rights.

On the occasion, the city called on domestic and foreign organisations, individuals, businesses and philanthropists to continue carrying out many meaningful social activities for children in special and difficult circumstances in the city.

At the same time, 100 scholarships, valued at VND2 million each, were awarded to pupils with particularly difficult circumstances in an effort to support them to improve their studies.

Reporting by XUAN DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG, P.TRA
