
Creating useful playground for children during their summer break

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 05, 2024, 17:53 [GMT+7]

The summer break is a time for school pupils to relax and entertain after 9 months of studying hard. Accordingly, youth union organizations, and Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneers’ organizations (HYPOs) in the city have focused on creating diverse and useful playgrounds and meaningful activities, thereby helping them develop their emotions, as well as boost their intelligence and develop talents.

Giving gifts to children in difficult circumstances in the city
Giving gifts to children in difficult circumstances in the city

Ms. Ngo Thi Hoang Thi, the Secretary of Youth Union organization of Ngu Hanh Son District’s Hoa Quy Ward said that right after students at all academic levels started their three-month summer break, the Ward’s Youth Union organization will organize fun activities for them.

In particular, the "Green Volunteer" camp is expected to open to local youth union members, young people and members of HYPO in July. The camp will feature such special activities as folk dance competition, group dance; following the secret letter, and a contest to seek best ideas and initiatives.

"This is a useful playground to help school pupils not only have a joyful and dynamic summer break, but also improve their knowledge and skills, as well as educate the traditional cultural values and national cultural identity, the virtues, and revolutionary ideals for them," Ms. Thi said.

Recently, Lien Chieu District’s Youth Union organization has focused on developing a summer activity plan for local children. In June, the District’s Youth Union organization launched an awareness raising campaign with the aim of preventing and eliminating all forms of child labour in heavy, toxic, and dangerous environments, including online child sexual exploitation and violations of working conditions laws.

Accordingly, the campaign featured 2 parts: knowledge contest and skit competition, both of which revolved around the topics of preventing and combating child labour forms in heavy, toxic, dangerous environments, along with accidents, injuries, and drowning.

In addition, heed was paid to introducing the Child Law adopted by the National Assembly on April 5, 2016 which was built to provide a legal foundation for children’s rights in Viet Nam and institutionalize the Party, State and Government’s guidelines and policies ensuring the enforcement of children’s rights in accordance with the spirit of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children.

Importance was attached to highlighting the role of the Bamboo Shoot Propaganda Team in raising awareness of preventing child injuries and stopping violence against children.

Moreover, Lien Chieu District’s Youth Union organization has organized a military training programme for 120 school pupils. Accordingly, they have got military experience at the Military Recruit Training Battalion under the Military Division 375 for eight days. This programme aimed to help school pupils get acquainted with a military environment, and empower them with the necessary skills and knowledge to develop self-discipline, and diligence.

Using these skills as a roadmap for life, they will be able to successfully tackle challenges of all shapes and sizes, and have the ability to do so with confidence - whether at school, at home, in social circles and beyond.

This programme also helps them produce a positive attitude and behavioral change, show empathy and demonstrate understanding to the other, and understand the true value of life to live a meaningful life.

Lien Chieu District’s Youth Union organization Secretary Huynh Thanh Binh said: "To develop useful programmes for children during their summer break, heed has been paid to mobilizing resources to build and renovate entertainment venues for children. Additionally, importance has been attached to helping children from poor families, families of people with meritorious services, and children in especially difficult circumstances have the opportunity to learn and fulfil their potential".

Youth union organizations, and HYPOs in the city have focused on creating diverse and useful playgrounds and meaningful activities for children during their summer break. Photo: DVCC
Youth union organizations, and HYPOs in the city have focused on creating diverse and useful playgrounds and meaningful activities for children during their summer break. 

Meanwhile, the Da Nang Youth Union continues to innovate and diversify summer activities to meet the entertainment demand from children. From June 1 until August 31, focus will be on launching such meaningful programmes as ‘Childhood Festival’ with the themes of preventing child abuse, child drowning, and child injuries;  scholarship grants totaling VND 180 million; and 300 gifts for children in especially difficult circumstances.

Furthermore, special attention will be paid to organizing a dialogue forum for children's representatives with the city’s leaders, a festival of children's dance groups themed ‘Brilliant Summer’ while providing training courses on social skills for children in the suburban district of Hoa Vang. Moreover, children will have the opportunity to undergo tour guide training using English when visiting cultural heritage sites.

Furthermore, children will be educated about national traditions and the love for the homeland, plus traffic rules. Greater efforts will be made to take action to prevent child drowning, and child injuries, as well as mobilize resources to build entertainment spots, give gifts and school supplies, and scholarships to needy children in order to help them prepare for their new school year. High priority will be given to preventing students from dropping out of school.

According to Deputy Secretary of the Da Nang Youth Union Nguyen Thi Anh Thao, summer activities are expected to help children stay away from social evils, and reduce watching TV and cell phones, as well as have a fun and fulfilling summer.

“In the coming time, the municipal Youth Union will provide psychological and nutritional consultation for children, especially vulnerable children in addition to educating them on life skills, self-protection and age-appropriate issues related to children" Ms. Thao said.

Reporting by TRIEU SAN - Translating by CHAU NGAN
