
Da Nang participates in Global Flagship Initiative "Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces"

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 29, 2024, 11:59 [GMT+7]

A ceremony was held in Da Nang on Friday by the municipal Women's Union to announce the city’s participation in UN Women’s Global Flagship Initiative “Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces”.

Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People's Committee Nguyen Thi Anh Thi speaking at the event. Photo: X.D
Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People's Committee Nguyen Thi Anh Thi speaking at the event. Photo: X.D

In attendance at the launching event were Vice President of the Viet Nam Women's Union Nguyen Thi Minh Huong, UN Women Country Representative in Viet Nam Caroline Nyamayemombe, Head of the Da Nang Party Committee's Mass Mobilization Board Le Van Trung, and municipal People's Committee Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Anh Thi.

In her remarks at the event, Vice Chairwoman Thi said that over the pats years, Da Nang has always strived to build a safe and friendly environment for people, especially women and girls, with many guidelines and policies issued and applied appropriately.

Delegates performing the ceremony to launch the city's participation in “Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces”. Photo: X.D
Delegates performing the ceremony to launch the city's participation in “Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces”. Photo: X.D

In 2023, Da Nang became the second city in Viet Nam to officially participate in UN Women-initiated Global Flagship Initiative “Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces”.

Participating in this initiative helps Da Nang contribute to efficiency improvement mechanisms as well as learn about tools and practices in cities in developed and developing countries, to apply in preventing and responding to violence and abuse against women and children.

"Let’s congratulate our Da Nang on officially having another title called a safe city in Viet Nam, and in the world” Mrs. Thi emphasised.

Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People's Committee Nguyen Thi Anh Thi presenting a souvenir to thank UN Women Country Representative in Viet Nam Caroline Nyamayemombe. Photo: X.D
Vice Chairwoman of the Da Nang People's Committee Nguyen Thi Anh Thi presenting a souvenir to thank UN Women Country Representative in Viet Nam Caroline Nyamayemombe. Photo: X.D

The city's official took the opportunity to direct the municipal Women's Union to continue coordinating with relevant sectors and UN Women to carry out activities within the framework of global key initiatives in the city, upholding achieved results, synchronously deploying solutions, effectively implementing commitments, and joining hands with the city to build Da Nang into a truly safe city.

A bus parade on a local street
A bus parade on a local street

Also on the same, a bus parade themed "Safe and friendly bus stop" took place in the city to celebrate the launching event of Da Nang’s participation in UN Women’s Global Flagship Initiative “Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces”.

Reporting by X.DUNG - Translating by M.DUNG, V.DUNG
