
Da Nang woman starts business with nut milk

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 14, 2024, 17:31 [GMT+7]

With a desire to bring consumers nutritious and convenient products, Ms. Nguyen Thi Dieu Thanh, 43, from Hoa Minh Ward, Lien Chieu District has devoted a lot of effort to make powdered milk from nuts. Her products are now much preferred by many customers thanks to its delicious and nutritious features.

Ms. Thanh introduced the product ‘Nut Milk of Love’ at the farmers' market in Thanh Khe District, Da Nang. Photo courtesy of Ms. Thanh
Ms. Thanh introduced the product ‘Nut Milk of Love’ at the farmers' market in Thanh Khe District, Da Nang. Photo courtesy of Ms. Thanh

Witnessing patients who were exhausted due to not being able to eat a lot of animal protein, Thanh cherished making products that were convenient, nutritious, filled with enough energy in a short time, and guaranteed to be hygienic and safe food and user health.

Through reading related documents and discussing with experts, she found that nuts such as walnuts, almonds and lotus seeds contain a lot of nutrients and are easy to absorb.

In 2021, Thanh decided to start a business, develop nut milk formula that meets standards and carries the brand name ‘Nut Milk of Love’. Initially, she borrowed more than VND200 million to invest in machinery, producing 500kg of products/month.

Without advertising and marketing approaches, her first products were initially supported by acquaintances. Gradually, many people knew them through word of mouth and joy came after a short time when her products were preferred, accepted and bought by many customers. This was the motivation that helps her determine to do in-depth research on this product.

‘Nut Milk of Love’ is a powdered food and ingredients include almonds, walnuts, macadamia nuts, cashews, oats, lotus seeds, turmeric starch and beans.

The production process has steps such as selecting and cleaning raw materials; soaking and processing seeds (depending on the type of seed, there will be different soaking times to eliminate unfavourable substances); steaming nuts (just cooked to retain nutrients); freeze drying at appropriate temperature; cool and grind them into fine powder; processing, packaging, labelling.

Ms. Thanh said that the production process is nothing special but requires patience and meticulousness. With each batch of nut powder, the maker must be careful in all stages, otherwise the quality and flavour of the product will be affected.

As calculated, about 13 - 15kg of raw materials, 9-10kg of nut powder is chucked out. When consumed, users can dissolve it with hot or cold water as desired.

If they want to gain weight, they can drink it 30 minutes after meals. If they want to lose weight, they should drink 30 minutes before meals.

With high nutritional content, nutritious nut milk products are suitable for pregnant and postpartum women, the elderly with poor appetite, young children and people with constipation.

To ensure good quality products and stable input, Thanh uses good-quality agricultural products priced VND250,000 - VND600,000/kg.

“Input materials are an important factor affecting product quality. However, the processing process, especially the mixing ratio of ingredients to ensure harmony and balance, is really the key to success.”, Ms. Thanh said.

Currently, many people trust the product and become loyal customers of ‘Nut Milk of Love’. Each month, Thanh sells 60-70 products, with a price of VND230,000 /500gr box.

Ms. Thanh further said: “When the product is stable and trusted by consumers, I hope to promote my product further so that consumers across the country can know and use it. The facility has completed procedures such as safety and quality inspection and the declaration of product standards and quality”.

With regard to her future plans, Ms. Thanh said: “In the near future, I will buy a packaging machine to divide the product into small packages of appropriate volume for  single use, so that users can conveniently and at the same time, the product can ensure the best quality”.

Reporting by KHANH NGAN - Translating by A.THU, V.DUNG
