
Female Secretary of Party cell dedicated to community

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 24, 2024, 11:28 [GMT+7]

Enthusiastic, responsible, leading by example in various movements, and dedicating herself to the community are the comments from people of Phan Lang 4 Residential Area, Hoa Khe Ward, Thanh Khe District, Da Nang about Party Secretary Dang Thi Da.

Party Secretary of Phan Lang 4 Residential Area, Dang Thi Da (left), visiting and providing financial support to Ng.V.A.
Secretary of Phan Lang 4 Residential Area's Party Cell, Dang Thi Da (left), visiting and providing financial support to Ng.V.A.

After over 40 years of working at the March 29 Textile Company, Mrs. Da retired. Due to her enthusiasm, in 2007, she was elected as the Head of the Women's Union and Deputy Secretary of the Phan Lang 4 residential area. Since 2012, she has been the Party Secretary of the residential area.

Regardless of her position, Mrs. Dang Thi Da always excelled in her duties, receiving high praise from local leaders and the community. She believes that the greater the difficulties, the more effort must be made to live up to the trust and affection of the people.

She spends a lot of time understanding, listening to, and absorbing the opinions of previous generations, the thoughts and aspirations of officials, Party members, and residents in the community. Together with the Party committee, she proposes and advises the ward-based Party Committee, while also making contributions to help the Party committee and local government address challenges in environmental sanitation, urban order, and building a cultural community.

Mrs. Da shared her experience in working with the community that to achieve high effectiveness, it is necessary to be close to, respect, and listen to the people, allowing each person to exercise democracy, and bringing up core issues so that Party members and the people can actively contribute their opinions and express their true aspiration.

The Phan Lang 4 residential area’s Party Cell consists of six neighborhood groups with more than 2,000 residents, most of whom face many difficulties in their lives. This administrative area, which spans a large territory, has had spots previously known for social evils. To tackle these problems, Mrs. Da took proactive steps, advising the Party Committee to implement various community support models. These initiatives, such as the “Savings and Practicing Savings” model, were well-received by the residents and have been instrumental in supporting causes like aiding a child with a brain tumor.

Another initiative is the “Safe, Civilized, Clean Alley” project at Alley 141, Tran Xuan Le Street, involving neighborhood groups 58 and 59. Mrs. Da cheerfully explained that this alley used to flood during the rainy season, severely impacting the residents' lives. It could be said that this was the “flood hotspot” of Hoa Khe Ward. To address this issue, the Party Committee collaborated with various associations to intensify propaganda, organized campaigns to remind people, dredged drains, and cleaned the environment on weekends. Through her persistence and the Party Committee's leadership, they succeeded in transforming the residents' mindset, resulting in a cleaner, more beautiful, and safer alley.

Building on the success of previous initiatives, in 2024, the Phan Lang 4 residential area’s Party Cell launched the “Studying and Following Ho Chi Minh's Thought, Morality, and Style” model. Under this program, each Party member contributes VND 30,000 per month to provide VND 500,000 monthly assistance to a paralyzed child.

In addition to implementing these impactful models, she spearheaded social welfare campaigns aimed at supporting impoverished and near-poor families as well as orphaned children.

With her enthusiasm, sensitivity, and people-oriented approach, she, alongside the Party committee, Party members, and neighborhood group management teams, swiftly mobilized and called for donors to raise over VND 41 million for a near-poor household with heart disease to ensure timely medical treatment.

Not only dynamic and efficient in her tasks, she also consistently upheld a spirit of responsibility, demonstrating a willingness to think boldly and take action in every field she was assigned. She set an exemplary standard in various activities and movements, including the “All People Unite to Build a Cultural Life in the Residential Area” initiative and efforts to foster studious families, clans, and communities.

With her enthusiasm and tireless efforts, Mrs. Dang Thi Da and the Phan Lang 4 Residential Area Party Cell have consistently been recognized for their excellence over the years, often leading the way as the foremost Party committee in the Hoa Khe Ward.

Reporting by MAI HANH - Translating by T.VY
