
Supplementing manpower for Da Nang Hospital

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
June 26, 2024, 18:05 [GMT+7]

After launching two specialised medical technical centres and expanding the scale of several departments, the Da Nang Hospital has recently completed a large-scale recruitment drive for contract labour. This manpower addition helps the hospital meet the increasing demand for medical examination and treatment, especially as issues related to drugs and medical supplies have been resolved, leading to a surge in patients seeking medical care and treatment.

Patients receiving medical care at the Da Nang Hospital. Photo: PHAN CHUNG
Patients receiving medical care at the Da Nang Hospital. Photo: PHAN CHUNG

Based on an assessment of actual needs, the Outpatient Department has recently added three doctors after recruitment. These candidates met the requirements of graduating as general practitioners and passed the hospital's recruitment round. The job positions in the Outpatient Department involve performing diagnostic procedures, treatment, emergency interventions, and resuscitation according to assignments.

Similarly, the Intensive Care and Anti-Poison Department has recently recruited 13 medical staff, the highest number in the latest recruitment round, including three doctors and ten nurses.

There is a surge in demand for caring for critically ill patients at the Da Nang Hospital, especially after the hospital built and expanded intensive care units within specialised departments. Expanding the intensive care units directly helps the hospital improve the quality of care and recovery for seriously ill patients.

According to Dr Thai Ba Sy, Head of the Administrative Organisation Department at the Da Nang Hospital, the hospital currently has nearly 2,000 staff members, of which approximately 1,800 are specialised staff. Following the recruitment policy and the directives of the hospital's Party Committee, the Administrative Organisation Department worked directly with 52 specialised departments to evaluate and compile the manpower needs. Clinical and paraclinical departments need additional doctors, nurses, and caregivers.

Accordingly, the Da Nang Hospital needs to sign labor contracts to perform specialised tasks for 84 job positions.

Expanding the scale, improving quality, and supplementing manpower are the directions to help the Da Nang Hospital develop into a strong general and specialised hospital. Photo: PHAN CHUNG
Expanding the scale, improving quality, and supplementing manpower aim to help the Da Nang Hospital develop into a strong general and specialised hospital. Photo: PHAN CHUNG

To ensure transparent and lawful recruitment, the Da Nang Hospital has decided to establish an Examination and Evaluation Council to review applications and conduct direct interviews. The Da Nang Hospital publicly announces the standards, conditions, job positions, and number of contracts needed on the Da Nang Department of Health's website, the hospital's website, and on public bulletin boards at the hospital. Alongside recruitment, regular training programmes are organised to enhance professional quality and meet the needs of medical examination and treatment.

Dr Le Duc Nhan, Director of the Da Nang Hospital, stated that after the launch of the two specialised medical centres, the hospital has also developed plans to expand its scale and develop clinical and paraclinical departments. Some specialised departments have been expanded, providing more space for patient care and treatment.

Currently, many training programmes on basic rehabilitation, anesthesia resuscitation, and endoscopic surgery are being organised. Such activities as inviting leading professors, training lower-level teams to become core hospitals, and organising specialised seminars, help the hospital improve professional quality.

According to the plan, by the end of 2024, the Da Nang Hospital will continue to supplement its manpower following Circular 03/2023/TT-BYT dated February 17, 2023, which provides guidance on job positions, staffing norms, and the structure of public health service units.

This recruitment plan aims to meet the minimum staffing requirements of public health service units to ensure the quality of medical services and the rights of employees regarding working hours and rest time. Public health units with staffing levels below the minimum requirements stipulated in this circular must have a recruitment and staffing arrangement plan to meet these standards by December 31, 2025.

Reporting by PHAN CHUNG - Translating by T. VY
