
15 years of 'guarding eternal rest' of fallen comrades

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 31, 2024, 17:39 [GMT+7]

At the Hoa Tien Martyrs' Cemetery in Da Nang’s Hoa Vang District, many are surprised by the pristine, green, and clean condition of the site. This is not only due to the great efforts of the local authorities but also thanks to the silent contributions of war veteran Pham Viet Tinh. The man, born 1954, is now living in Le Son Bac Hamlet, Hoa Tien Commune.

During festive seasons or commemorative days for war invalids and martyrs, Mr Tinh's workload increases as he tends to the cemetery.
During festive seasons or commemorative days for war invalids and martyrs, Mr Tinh's workload increases as he tends to the cemetery.

The 2ha Hoa Tien Martyrs' Cemetery is the resting place for 1,176 martyrs, including some unidentified ones. Among these graves are the remains of his relatives and comrades who fought alongside him in past battles. Mr Tinh began his role as the cemetery caretaker in 2009.

On a daily basis, he meticulously cleans the cemetery, waters the flowers and greenery, changes the incense sand, and guides visitors and relatives of the martyrs. On the 14th and 30th days of each lunar month, he and the youth union and veteran association members offer incense to the martyrs resting there.

On special occasions like Tet holiday or Martyrs' Day, Mr Tinh becomes even busier, tending to the graves and welcoming visitors who come to pay their respects. He treats the unmarked graves as if they belong to his own kin, ensuring they are well cared for.

Mr Tinh sweeps fallen leaves, one of his daily tasks at the Hoa Tien Martyrs' Cemetery in Hoa Vang District
Mr Tinh sweeps fallen leaves, one of his daily tasks at the Hoa Tien Martyrs' Cemetery in Hoa Vang District

Explaining his dedication, he expressed, “My relatives and comrades sacrificed their lives for the national freedom without ever knowing peace or happiness. I am fortunate to be alive, so I do what I can for them. Keeping the cemetery clean and beautiful is a small comfort for those who have fallen and their families”.

Caretaker duties may seem simple, but according to Mr Nguyen Van Hien, an official in charge of labour and social affairs in Hoa Tien Commune, maintaining such a large site effectively for 15 years requires dedication and a deep sense of camaraderie and gratitude towards those who sacrificed for the nation's independence.

“With the sandy soil, growing trees is difficult, and ensuring they thrive is even harder. Yet Mr Tinh has managed to do this effectively; therefore, families visiting the cemetery feel reassured seeing their loved ones' resting place well-kept,” Mr. Hien noted.

The lush, carefully pruned trees and blooming flowers at the cemetery speak volumes about Mr Tinh's meticulous care. His efforts not only enhance the cemetery's appearance but also make it a serene, less somber place.

According to Mr Hien, the commune organises annual retreats for social policy beneficiaries, but Mr Tinh often forgoes these trips to ensure the cemetery's greenery does not wither without daily care.

“When you take on a job, you must be responsible for it. I feel fortunate and proud to care for the resting place of those who served our country,” Mr Tinh shared while sweeping the cemetery.

Due to diligent care, the Hoa Tien Martyrs' Cemetery remains in excellent condition.
Due to diligent care, the Hoa Tien Martyrs' Cemetery remains in excellent condition.

His wife, Mrs Dang Thi Ha, also participates in this work and finds joy and solace in tending the cemetery, alleviating some of the pain and loss she feels for comrades who never returned.

Currently, the couple receives a monthly stipend of VND 3.5 million for their caretaking duties.

In recognition of his contributions, Mr Tinh has received a municipal-level Certificate of Merit in recognition of his caretaking work. At 70, he hopes for good health to continue his role, ensuring the martyrs' resting place remains well-tended.

For 15 years, Mr Tinh has shown unwavering commitment and enthusiasm in his work. He regards his role in maintaining the martyrs' eternal rest as a way to honour and respect those who sacrificed for the nation's independence. He hopes today's youth will always remember the sacrifices of the previous generations.

Reporting by THU DUYEN - Translating by TRUC VY
