
Gratitude for pure hearts

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 24, 2024, 19:07 [GMT+7]

In recent days, our hearts have been profoundly moved by acts of great kindness, akin to ceaseless waves of compassion. There have been numerous instances where individuals have risked their lives to save others in the nick of time. On the early morning of July 13 in Ha Giang Province, three people in a car hurried to assist a stranded minibus, trapped due to a landslide, despite knowing the imminent danger of death. Their bravery led to their entrapment in the mud as they endeavoured to rescue those in peril.

Ilustrative photo. Photo: Internet
Ilustrative photo. Photo: Internet

The list of unsung heroes includes Pham Quoc Luat, Nguyen Kim Long, Dong Van Tuan, and Hoang Anh Tuan. During a fierce fire in Trung Kinh Street, Ha Noi, on the early morning of May 24, they took turns climbing a ladder, clinging to a window with one hand while using a sledgehammer with the other to break through walls, ultimately rescuing four trapped individuals. Additionally, Leng Van Bang quickly climbed up, holding onto a lightning rod and continuously striking a ceramic balustrade on the third-floor balcony with a rock, creating a hole large enough for victims of a fire in Ha Dong District, Ha Noi, to escape through. Fearing that two girls clinging to the scorching metal fence might fall, he endured burns on his hands while carrying each one to safety during the early morning hours of May 30.

These heartwarming stories spread widely, accompanied by deep gratitude and appreciation, including the image of Traffic Police Lieutenant Nguyen Manh Tuong diving into the raging floodwaters in Ha Giang to bring a family of three to safety on June 10; and Pham Nhu Quynh, Nguyen Tuan Anh, and Le Anh Hung rushing into the sea to rescue five drowning students in Ba Don Town, Quang Binh on May 18. They acted without hesitation, driven by a pure instinct to save lives, as illustrated by Tran Van Tinh, Phu Yen, who shared, after rescuing a drowning person from the rough seas on May 12: “At that moment, I didn’t think much, only that I had to save the person at all costs and believed that I could.” After the peril, they quietly returned to their daily routines, shunning the label of "hero".

What they have given is not just the gift of life but also a melody of love that resonates in countless hearts, reaffirming our belief in the ever-present goodness in this world. There was a time when society was overwhelmed by a pervasive apathy, evident in the daily reports of tragic events such as a taxi driver indifferently leaving the scene after causing an accident, bystanders failing to alert authorities; people reluctant to help accident victims for fear of being questioned or implicated; the unwillingness to confront robbers due to self-preservation; and the casual filming of distressed individuals for social media views. This indifference, ranging from minor to major issues, repeatedly raised alarms about the “disease of apathy.”

Fortunately, amidst the distressing news, there are heartwarming stories of pure-hearted individuals sowing seeds of kindness. We rejoice when a seven-day-old baby who choked on milk and stopped breathing was saved in Hai Phong, thanks to the timely intervention of nurse Nguyen Thi Thao in a taxi. We are moved by the traffic police officers who lead cars carrying women in labour or critically ill children to the hospital in time. We are touched by the image of a 62-year-old doctor collapsing against a wall after performing numerous free cataract surgeries for the poor in Hue.

And there are many more beautiful images and stories of noble deeds quietly spreading every day, such as charity rice shops, zero-cost eateries, land donations for irrigation projects, the collection of nails and sharp objects from highways, night-time blood donations, and charity classes. Goodness is seen everywhere – acts of kindness given without expecting anything in return.

Every “seed” of kindness, no matter how small or simple, holds immense power, affecting not only those directly involved but also onlookers. Thank you to the pure hearts that have allowed me, and surely many others, to wake up every day to a garden of radiant flowers in our souls.

Reporting by TRAM ANH - Translating by TRUC VY
