
Military summer semester programme benefits teenagers

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 04, 2024, 12:07 [GMT+7]

The recently-held ‘Summer Day in the Army’ programme was chosen by many parents for their children’s participation. With practical learning content, the programme helped teenagers aged 12 - 16 practice life skills, experience a disciplined living environment, hereby contributing to raising awareness and cultivating their love for the family, the homeland, and the whole country.

Lien Chieu District Youth Union organised the programme ‘Summer Day in the Army’ in 2024 for 120 students aged 12 - 16 in the district and neighbouring provinces. Photo: DVCC
Lien Chieu District Youth Union organised the programme ‘Summer Day in the Army’ in 2024 for 120 students aged 12 - 16 in the district and neighbouring provinces. Photo: DVCC

As one of 150 ‘little soldiers’ participating in this military summer semester programme organised by the Da Nang Youth Union, in coordination with the  Da Nang Military Command, Tran Huynh Bao Nhu, 13, from Son Tra District said: “In the first days of joining, the most difficult thing for me was having to wake up early. Thanks to the trainer’s constant reminders and encouragement, I have learned the habit of waking up on time, quickly going to the yard to do morning exercises, folding blankets, and doing personal hygiene”.

Most of the participants were away from home for the first time and had to live completely independently. Many of them were bewildered by how to implement their daily activities by themselves. Pham Quoc Hung, 12, from Cam Le District, said: “I feel more confident and mature after participating in the programme. In recent days, I have done a lot of things that I have never done at home, thereby helping me be independent and make more friends. If my parents agree, I will continue to register and participate in this programme next summer.

Holding the same feelings, Le Viet Hung, 12, from Thanh Khe District confided that this was his first time participating in the programme, so he was a bit confused, worried and homesick. Learning to be a soldier, I had to change many habits in my daily activities. Here, I received training a lot, from eating and personal hygiene to manners, life skills, group activities and behaviour.

The programme was held from June 8 to 19 at Infantry Regiment 971, Hoa Khanh Nam Ward, Lien Chieu District. Teenagers participating in the programme were trained in military discipline, manners and discipline and related affairs. Besides, children learned how to promote life, communication and teamwork skills, as well as handle situations and do first aid.

They also participated in age-related psychological and physiological activities, cultural, artistic, physical training and sports activities, campfires, field trips, and visited the fishery surveillance ship in Naval Region 3.

Also at the above time, Lien Chieu District Youth Union organised a similar programme  for 120 teenagers aged 12 to 16 in the district and neighbouring provinces. The programme was held at Air Defense Division 375, Hoa An Ward, Cam Le District from June 8 to 15.

In addition to accessing the training content on military command and getting acquainted with some types of conventional weapons, students also learned about anti-aircraft missile combat crews, practiced fire prevention and firefighting, visit the Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture, learned about the Nam O fish sauce craft village and some ‘red addresses’ in the district.

Ms. Trinh Thi Thuy from Hoa Minh Ward, Lien Chieu District, the mother of a participant in this event said: “Last summer, I registered my son to participate in this programme. Through his participation in such a highly practical summer event, he felt more confident, active, and responsibly did many chores. Therefore, this year, I also encouraged my daughter to participate in this programme so that she could gain valuable experience and practice better on lifestyles.

Secretary of Lien Chieu District Youth Union Huynh Thanh Binh said: “The seven days of training and practical experience in the military environment, teenagers learned many lessons and life skills. In addition, there were also educational activities about the military, raising awareness of responsibility toward society and family."

According to Deputy Secretary of the Youth Union, Chairman of the Da Nang Youth Union Nguyen Ba Duan, the activities at the military summer semester programme contributed to educating young people about the time-honoured traditions of the country, thereby arousing patriotism and national pride in the young generation.

In the coming time, the Da Nang Youth Union will deploy the second phase of the programme in 2024 with 150 participants and expanding the model to each district.

Reporting by KHANH NGAN - Translating by A.THU, V.DUNG
