
Da Nang ensures social welfare

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 05, 2024, 18:26 [GMT+7]

Da Nang recorded a number of remarkable socio-economic development achievements in the first half of the year. This is the basis for enhancing people's lives, creating social trust, and effectively implementing socio-economic development tasks according to the Resolution adopted at the 22nd Da Nang Party Congress for the 2020-2025 term.

Handing over the
Handing over the "Great Unity" house to the family of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ky in Man Thai Ward, Son Tra District. Photo: H.N

18,000 jobs created

In the first 6 months of this year, the agricultural production sector of Hoa Vang district had an added value of VND235 billion. Specialided vegetable production areas are concentrated in the communes of Hoa Phong, Hoa Tien and Hoa Khuong with an area of ​​42.4 hectares.

The district's agricultural sector develops in the direction of high quality, ecological and organic agriculture, creating stable income for local farmers. In addition, 421 farmers are working in South Korea, 1,100 out of the 2,300 workers have been provided with jobs.

Meanwhile, the number of labourers employed in Son Tra District in the first half of the year reached 3,850, representing 52.02%. The strong development of tourism in recent times has helped increase the human resources in the tourism and service sectors.

Ms. Le Thi Bich Thuan, Deputy Head of the Office of the Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Son Tra District, said that more than VND1.8 billion was raised for the "For the Poor" Fund. The money went to support the construction of new houses for 9 poor households and the repair of 63 Great Unity houses; as well as build new houses and repair 77 houses for social policy families.

According to information from the municipal Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, in the first 6 months of 2024, about 18,000 workers in the city were employed, reaching 51.4% of the plan.

The Department coordinated with the city branch of the Social Policy Bank of Viet Nam to appraise 10,359 projects and disburse VND 698.149 billion in loan to maintain and create new jobs for 10,400 workers.

The Employment Service Centre maintains the organisation of weekly job fairs, and online job fairs with neighbouring provinces to solve job demand for locals.

Maintaining social welfare goals

Since the beginning of the year, the municipal Party Committee and the People's Committee have directed relevant units and localities to properly resolve social welfare, security and order issues, with a focus on taking care of people on the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2024, especially for social policy beneficiaries.

Currently, more than 16,800 people citywide are receiving regular monthly allowances totalling over VND 34.2 billion.

The policy of supporting housing improvement for people with meritorious services has been maintained with 496 houses repaired and newly built in the past 6 months at a total cost of VND 17.07 billion.

From now until the end of the year, the city continues to implement the plan to develop a flexible, modern, effective, sustainable labour market and quickly recover the local socio-economy.

Heed will be laid to effectively implementing the "having a job" programme, with a goal of creating jobs for 35,000 workers in 2024.

Importance will also be attached to effectively carrying out the vocational training plan for young people completing military service and police service in 2024; and vocational training and job creation plan for young people and workers under social policies in 2024.

Moreover, the city will complete the construction and repair of houses for people with revolutionary contributions in 2024, and review poor and near-poor households according to Central and city standards.

Reporting by HOANG NHUNG - Translating by M.DUNG
