
By children's side in virtual world

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 12, 2024, 17:32 [GMT+7]

In the realm of technology and through the journey of growing up, children greatly benefit from the support of schools and society to gain knowledge and skills that enable them to protect themselves. Simultaneously, family support and understanding are crucial for children to trust and seek help when needed.

Children need more exposure to the outside world than to virtual space. Photo: X.S
Children need more exposure to the outside world than to virtual space. Photo: X.S

Consequences of technology

As a teacher and mother, Mrs. Tran Nguyen Thuy Trang, from the Da Nang-based Le Quy Don Senior High School for the Gifted, expressed concern over the increasing exposure of young people to harmful content, negative trends, or inappropriate habits fostered by social media. Just a glance at short-video platforms reveals countless clips of children and teens performing provocative dances or making inappropriate comments, shaping incorrect perceptions.

In her literature classes, Mrs. Trang has seen her pupils relying on the internet and AI technology to complete assignments, rather than using their knowledge and thinking skills. Other parents also notice the impact of technology not just from online content, but from the devices their children use.

While technology helps the younger generation access the world and aids in learning, its continuous development requires parents to be more vigilant in safeguarding children in the virtual world. There are safe and helpful currents, but also dangerous whirlpools of harmful content. Without proper guidance, children, teens, and even adults can be swept away by the wrong influences.

Spending more time with children

According to psychologist Tran Minh Phuc, many children and teenagers, when threatened online, immediately inform their family, teachers, or contact the National Child Protection Hotline (111) or local authorities for help.

However, some choose to hide their problems out of fear of being scolded. This behaviour stems from a lack of understanding from their family. Therefore, it’s essential for families to create a safe and trusting environment for children. When children share their problems, parents should remain calm and help them address the issue, rather than react harshly.

"The internet, as mentioned, is a complex world, a vast ocean. How children 'swim' in it depends on the care, education, and guidance from their family, school, and society. Schools should introduce lessons on online safety and proper internet usage as part of the curriculum to help children develop awareness," said Mr. Phuc.

Supporting children in the digital age is a method many parents are adopting. Mrs. Nguyen Thi Huong, hailing from Tam Ky City, Quang Nam Province, shared that understanding the pros and cons of the internet, she and her husband did not allow their child to use smart devices on their own or distract them with phones while eating. During the early years, the child was only allowed limited television time with YouTube restricted to channels for children under 18 to avoid harmful content.

Similarly, Mr. Le Minh Nhan from Binh Hien Ward, Hai Chau District, believes that letting children use the internet or watch TV should only be a small part of their leisure activities. What’s most important is for parents to spend time with their children, play, and learn together, so that children do not feel lonely or depend on screens for entertainment. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hoang Thi Nha Phuong from Thanh Khe Tay Ward, Thanh Khe District, suggested that children should spend more time outdoors, exploring the world with their family, instead of being absorbed in the virtual world.

For teacher Tran Nguyen Thuy Trang, during her lessons, she limits pupils' use of technology during group work or writing assignments. The internet is only suggested for tasks that require research or references. Students need to understand the supportive role of the internet and AI in learning, but they must also develop self-reliance and independence, as no one can help them in exams except their own knowledge and skills.

In the digital age, children's journey of growth needs the support, and understanding of their family, school, and society, so they never feel alone.

Reporting by XUAN SON - Translating by TRUC VY
