
Comprehensive care for people with meritorious services

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 04, 2024, 11:51 [GMT+7]

The Party Committee and government of Da Nang consistently prioritise the care and welfare of war invalids, martyrs, and those who have rendered significant service to the nation as a key and ongoing political duty. As a result, policies for these individuals are implemented promptly, ensuring that they receive their full entitlements in accordance with the regulations.

Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee, and Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Da Nang, Mr Nguyen Van Quang (right), visits a policy beneficiary family in Hai Chau District. Photo: LP
Da Nang Party Committee Secretary cum Head of the city's National Assembly Deputies' Delegation Nguyen Van Quang (right), visits a policy beneficiary family in Hai Chau District. Photo: LP

Timely implementation of policies

The city is currently providing monthly preferential allowances to nearly 17,000 individuals, with a monthly expenditure of over VND 34.3 billion.

According to the municipal Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs, under the Ordinance on Preferential Treatment for People with Meritorious Services to the Revolution, both the beneficiaries and their families receive numerous benefits. These include monthly allowances, one-time grants, health recovery programmes, educational and training incentives, housing support, and land-use fee exemptions or reductions.

At the beginning of 2024, the Department issued decisions to implement health recovery programmes for 5,706 beneficiaries and families of martyrs in the city, with a budget exceeding VND 12.5 billion. For those still in good health and wishing to register for centralised care at provincial centres for meritorious people, the city, in addition to central funding, also provides financial support to ensure smooth transport arrangements, helping beneficiaries recover both physically and mentally.

The preferential education and training policies for the children of war invalids, martyrs, and those affected by toxic chemicals have been continuously expanded. Originally, these policies covered public school pupils but have now been extended to all forms of education and training, from kindergarten through to vocational schools, secondary professional education, colleges, and universities. Currently, over 15,451 pupils citywide benefit from these policies, including nearly 11,000 pupils receiving monthly allowances. The total budget for these educational benefits has now exceeded VND 100 billion.

In addition to effectively implementing these policies, the city is also committed to improving the housing conditions of people with meritorious services.

The city regularly instructs the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs to coordinate with local authorities to assess the need for repairs or new construction of houses for these individuals.

From 2013 to 2019, under Decision No. 22/2013/QD-TTg dated 26 April 2013 by the Prime Minister on housing support for people with meritorious services to the revolution, the city supported the repair and construction of 8,378 houses with a budget of over VND 250 billion. From 2021 to 2023, under new central regulations, the city supported the repair and construction of 2,874 houses with a budget of over VND 100 billion from the city’s funds.

To date, the city has completed housing support for meritorious people, repairing more than 16,800 downgraded houses and constructing 3,217 new houses, with a total budget of nearly VND 440 billion from both central and city funds.

Additionally, the city has provided land-use fee support to over 8,400 households, totalling more than VND 200 billion, and has exempted or reduced land-use fees for over 3,200 households, with a budget of nearly VND 207 billion.

Special policies

Alongside the policies outlined in the Ordinance on Preferential Treatment for People with Meritorious Services to the Revolution and Government Decree No. 131/2021/ND-CP dated 30 December 2021, which specifies and guides the implementation of the Ordinance, the city has also introduced special policies for these individuals.

During the Lunar New Year and on the occasion of War Invalids and Martyrs Day, the city enacts resolutions that define the beneficiaries and the value of gifts for meritorious people and their families. For Lunar New Year 2024, Da Nang allocated over VND 35 billion to provide gifts to over 40,000 people, and on the 77th anniversary of War Invalids and Martyrs Day on July 27, the city gave gifts to over 26,000 people, with a total budget of more than VND 15 billion.

For the most vulnerable group, which includes heroic Vietnamese mothers, revolutionary veterans, early revolutionary activists, war invalids, and those affected by toxic chemicals with a disability rate of 81% or higher, the city provides an additional monthly support of VND 1 to 1.5 million per person, beyond the central government's allowances, as per Resolution No. 245/2019/NQ-HDND dated 11 July 2019. This support is aimed at assisting with medical treatment and improving the health of these individuals.

For those suffering from severe illnesses or in difficult circumstances, the city allocates over VND 17 billion annually for regular allowances and over VND 1.4 billion for emergency relief, following Resolution No. 19/2016/NQ-HDND dated 11 August 2016.

The city also provides a monthly support of VND 1 million for meritorious people from impoverished households who are no longer able to work. For those being cared for at the Centre for the Care of Revolutionary Meritorious People, the city offers a monthly food allowance of VND 2.1 million.

“Beyond the central government's regulations, the city has introduced many special policies aimed at improving the living standards of meritorious people, ensuring their quality of life is at least equal to or higher than the average of residents. Additionally, the movement to care for meritorious people is strongly supported by local party committees, authorities, and various social strata, with activities such as fundraising for gratitude funds, supporting heroic Vietnamese mothers, and providing gifts during the Lunar New Year and War Invalids and Martyrs Day, as well as constructing homes for those in need”, said Mr Nguyen Dang Hoang, Director of the municipal Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

He also emphasised that to continue effectively implementing the Ordinance and the “Gratitude” movement in the city, relevant sectors will focus on strengthening education on revolutionary traditions, raising awareness among officials and citizens, and reaffirming that “Gratitude” efforts are not only the responsibility of the Party and State but also a societal duty, honouring those who have sacrificed for the nation's independence and freedom.

The city currently manages over 18,250 martyrs, with over 1,800 relatives receiving monthly survivor's pensions and 13,139 people receiving martyr worship allowances; 11,512 war invalids and sick soldiers, of whom 6,841 are receiving allowances; 3,387 heroic Vietnamese mothers, with 69 still living; over 3,000 people affected by toxic chemicals and their children; 6,170 people who participated in revolutionary activities and were imprisoned or exiled; 18,911 people who took part in the resistance to liberate the nation, defend the Fatherland, or fulfill international obligations, and 4,214 individuals who helped the revolution.

Reporting by NGOC HA - Translating by TRUC VY
