
Getting rich with oyster mushrooms in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 25, 2024, 14:25 [GMT+7]

In recent years, the movement of farmers doing business well has developed widely in Hoa Lien Commune, Hoa Vang District, Da Nang.

Mr. Nguyen Huu Nghia (left) introduces his family's oyster mushroom growing model.
Mr. Nguyen Huu Nghia (left) introduces his family's oyster mushroom growing model.

Through the movement, many typical examples of good farmers have emerged, with many good, creative and effective models, thereby helping farmers increase their family income.

In particular, the oyster mushroom growing model owned Mr. Le Huu Nghia is highly appreciated, suitable for local conditions. The oyster mushroom growing model has been implemented by Nghia for the past seven years.

With his acumen, eagerness to learn and always thinking of finding a way to escape poverty right in his rural hometown, Nghia has spent a lot of time studying and researching how to grow oyster mushrooms and at the same time shaing his ideas with young people in the locality.

In 2017, the Hoa Lien District Commune Youth Union introduced a mushroom growing course for young people who wanted to start up a business in their hometown. After finishing the course, Mr. Nghia boldly expressed his wishes and received VND30 million worth of support through the Youth Union channel.

At first, the production encountered many difficulties, the mushroom spawn did not meet the standards, so Mr. Nghia had to do it many times and spent a lot of money, and he thought of giving up.

Mr. Nghia confided: “That's what I thought, but when I started doing it, I saw how difficult it was. I was determined not to be discouraged because I had long been thinking about getting rich, so I took the trouble to learn knowledge from books, on the internet, and went to some other oyster mushroom production facilities to learn from experience.

According to Mr. Nghia, growing oyster mushrooms is not difficult, the important thing is to know how to choose quality embryos. In addition, to produce successfully, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of this crop, and at the same time apply scientific and technical advances to mushroom production seasons. To grow oyster mushrooms, growers only need to invest in a farm with a tarpaulin covering around it, a ground floor and a watering machine to create humidity.

After many years of working, learning, researching and expanding the scale of production, currently, his oyster mushroom production facility is more than 1,000 m2 wide, including 700 m2 of farm with three mushroom houses, with a total investment of more than VND 500 million, mainly from the net profit used for reproduction.

Currently, on average, each month, Nghia's oyster mushroom facility exports 1.5 tonnes of fresh mushrooms to the market. With a stable output, on average, each year Nghia earns nearly VND 200 million after deducting expenses.

After more than seven years of growing oyster mushrooms, Nghia has had a fairly stable life with a solidly built, spacious, and fully equipped house.

In addition, Mr. Nghia has created stable jobs for three regular workers and some seasonal ones in the locality with a stable income. To achieve the results as today, Nghia has approved his process of striving, learning, and not being afraid of difficulties Nghia. Besides, there has been the enthusiastic support of the Hoa Lien Commune Farmers' Association to connect and help Nghia attend tours, seminars, and forums to continuously improve production efficiency.

As evaluated by Ms. Ngo Thi Hue, the Vice President of the Hoa Lien Commune Farmers' Association, Mr. Nghia is a model young farmer member who strives to overcome difficulties to do business. Also, he is a shining example for many young people in the locality in the process of starting a business in their hometown.

“Thanks to Mr. Nghia's enthusiastic support and transfer of scientific and technical knowledge, many young people have had stable livelihoods from growing oyster mushrooms, spreading the startup movement across the city.

Typical examples include lemongrass oil refining, bird's nest farming, sausage making, ornamental plant growing have brought a comfortable life to local farmers,” Ms. Hue added.

With the desire to get rich in his hometown, from VND 30 million in initial startup capital, young farmer Nghia has taken steady steps on the journey of eliminating poverty and getting rich from his own efforts to overcome difficulties.

He hopes to access preferential loans to invest in mushroom growing tools such as embryo steamers, cooling equipment to ensure stable temperatures for mushrooms to grow in hot weather conditions as well as expand the factory to increase productivity, creating jobs for local people.

Reporting by XUAN TRINH - Translating by A.THU
