
Passing down traditional values to younger generations

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 16, 2024, 17:38 [GMT+7]

Despite his old age and declining health, war veteran Le Phu Thao from Hoa Phong Commune, Hoa Vang District, Da Nang, has tirelessly dedicated himself to educating the younger generation about the nation's revolutionary history and traditions, instilling in them a love for their homeland and country.

Mr. Le Phu Thao actively innovates the content and methods of his presentations, attracting a large number of young people to attend his discussions on the nation’s revolutionary history. Photo: P.V.
Mr. Le Phu Thao actively innovates the content and methods of his presentations, attracting a large number of young people to attend his discussions on the nation’s revolutionary history. Photo: P.V.

Having directly fought and devoted his youth to the country's independence and freedom, Mr. Le Phu Thao has, over the years, participated in dozens of talks, sharing with the younger generation a deeper understanding of the nation’s heroic revolutionary struggle and the efforts to build and defend the homeland.

At events such as candlelight tributes and memorial offerings at cemeteries and historical monuments, Mr. Thao recounts for thousands of young people in Hoa Vang District the fierce battles and the silent sacrifices made by Vietnamese Heroic Mothers, as well as the unwavering courage of revolutionary soldiers, even under torture and imprisonment.

In addition, he collaborates on writing historical documents about battle monuments and historical relics. He has also participated in seminars and contributed to the internal publication of two books titled “Learning from and Exemplifying the Heroes and Martyrs and Stories of the Resistance,” featuring 52 stories of martyrs, Heroic Vietnamese Mothers, and living historical witnesses. These activities not only help preserve cultural and historical heritage but also play a vital role in educating future generations about the sacrifices and contributions of their predecessors.

Revolutionary education helps the younger generation to understand deeply the arduous and glorious struggle of the Party, the nation, and the heroic Vietnamese People’s Army.

As a result, young people develop pride in and appreciation for the past; recognize the value of the present; and strengthen their patriotic spirit, self-reliance, and responsibility toward society and the future of the nation, carrying forward the revolutionary cause of their forebears.

Mr. Thao believes that youth education should focus on showcasing exemplary individuals and highlighting good deeds. At the same time, it is essential to continue promoting the learning and emulation of Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morality, and style, treating this as an ongoing, essential task. Education should be action-oriented, practical, concise, and easy to understand, enabling young people to recognize their responsibilities toward their families, society, and the country.

According to Mr Le Dinh Nam, Chairman of the Hoa Phong Commune Veterans Association, every year, on July 27th, the commune's youth union organization organizes trips to historical sites where living witnesses recount the glorious achievements of their predecessors.

Mr. Le Phu Thao is a prominent figure in educating young people about tradition. Through his stories, young people learn about the immense sacrifices and contributions of soldiers in their youth. This helps instill patriotism and remind them of their homeland's proud history.

Reporting by TRIEU SAN- Translating by TRUC VY
