
Useful phone numbers whilst in Da Nang

Published: July 18, 2016

Rapid response police                         (0511) 3 113

Firefighters                                           (0511) 3 114

Hospital emergency                             (0511) 3 115

Phone number service provider           (0511) 3 116

Hot lines for ‘one-door’ division for all local government agencies    (0511) 3 1022 or 3 881 888

Hot line for municipal People’s Council         (0511) 3888 888

Hot line for anti-theft and robbery police        (0511) 3894 444

Complaints about pressing issues at the city’s beaches          (0511) 2218 878

Complaints about hotel prices and services                              (0511) 3886 761

Reporting electrical problems                                                     (0511) 3822 538

Public health advisory office                                                       (0511) 3826 213



