
Traffic police open Facebook page in Da Nang

Published: December 06, 2016

Traffic police in Da Nang have launched their own official Facebook page to receive traffic updates from local residents across the city.

A screenshot of the official Facebook page of the traffic police department in the central Vietnamese city of Da Nang Tuoi Tre
A screenshot of the official Facebook page. Tuoi Tre

The Traffic Police Division under the municipal Department of Police opened the page on Sunday, which is aimed at improving local traffic management.

Local citizens can interact by posting updates on the situation in their neighbourhood, photos and videos capturing traffic violations or accidents, and reports on the shortcomings of any officers or the city’s traffic system.

The law enforcers will use the information to investigate and deal with offenders and make the necessary adjustments in an effort to ensure traffic safety in the city.

The social media page will also provide consultation and answers to local residents’ questions regarding traffic regulations and procedures.

Several opinions from local citizens have already been posted on the Facebook page since it first appeared, which have been responded to and noted by representatives of the city’s traffic police division.

(Source: Tuoitrenews)
