
Fining traffic offenders caught on inner-city cameras begins 16 Jan

Published: January 04, 2017

Following the success of the imposition of penalties on traffic violators caught on surveillance cameras at intersections in Da Nang’s suburbs, a similar regulation will now be applied for offences at inner-city intersections starting from 16 January.

They are the intersections of: Nguyen Van Linh-Tran Phu-Bach Dang; Le Duan-Ong Ich Khiem; Hung Vuong-Ong Ich Khiem; Dien Bien Phu-Ha Huy Tap; Nguyen Van Linh-Hoang Dieu-Ong Ich Khiem; Ong Ich Duong-Cach Mang Thang Tam; 2 September-the western approach road to the Tran Thi Ly Bridge; Ngu Hanh Son-Ho Xuan Huong-Le Van Hien; and the Hue T-Junction overpass.

Currently, relevant local agencies are publicising the new regulation amongst the general public through the mass media and visual advertising in order to ensure local traffic safety and culture.


