
Viet Nam intensifies crackdown on public peeing, littering

Published: February 02, 2017

Those who litter or urinate in public are fined up to 7 million VND (US$313), starting 1 February, according to a recent decree by the Vietnamese government.

Trash is seen along the bank of the Nhieu Loc - Thi Nghe canal in Ho Chi Minh City. Tuoi Tre
Trash is seen along the bank of the Nhieu Loc - Thi Nghe canal in Ho Chi Minh City. Tuoi Tre

The act of public littering is subject to a fine of 3-5 million VND (US$134-223), the fiat says.
Those who litter on the streets, sidewalks or into drainage systems will pay an even higher fine of 5-7 million VND ($223-313).

People who put away cigarette butts in undesignated areas at condominiums, shopping malls or other public places will be fined between 500,000 VND ($22.5) and 1 million VND ($45).

Public urination and defecation will also be subject to penalties of 1-3 million VND ($45-134), according to the new decree. The old penalty for such an illegal act is from 200,000 VND ($8.7) to 300,000 VND ($13).

The new fines are between 5 and 25 times higher than those previously enforced in Viet Nam, as the highest penalty for such actions were only set at VND500,000 ($22.5), a sum many had deemed ineffective in raising public awareness of environmental protection.

Local experts have aired support for the heftier penalties for public urination and littering, saying that the harsher punishments are necessary for combating such illegal behaviours.

(Source: Tuoitrenews)

