
Viet Nam, Australia launch reciprocal work and holiday visa

Published: March 02, 2017

Australia and Viet Nam have commenced a reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangement effective 1 March.

Every year 200 Vietnamese candidates will qualify for a visa to Australia and a similar number of Australian citizens will also be eligible for entry into Vietnam under the reciprocal arrangement. (Credit: thanhnien.vn)
Every year 200 Vietnamese candidates will qualify for a visa to Australia and a similar number of Australian citizens will also be eligible for entry into Viet Nam under the reciprocal arrangement. (Credit: thanhnien.vn)

Under the arrangement, young Vietnamese people aged between 18 and 30 are permitted to travel to Australia for one year and undertake short-term work or studies. It will also allow young Australians to work and holiday in Viet Nam. Each year 200 eligible Vietnamese applicants are granted visas to Australia and in return 200 Australians are permitted to enter Viet Nam.

Expressing his delight on the latest outcome in the Viet Nam-Australia bilateral cooperation, Australian Ambassador to Viet Nam Craig Chittick said that young Vietnamese and Australian citizens now have the opportunity to apply for a unique cultural exchange experience. This will help increase understanding between the two peoples and contribute greatly to the two countries’ economic, security and innovation partnerships

According to the Department of Overseas Labour (DOLAB) under the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), the agreement was signed between the two sides on 18 March, 2015, aimed at facilitating citizens from both countries to have the chance to participate in cultural exchanges, mutual experience learning and strengthening comprehensive cooperation.

Every year, each party provides up to 200 visas to citizens of the other permitting them to remain in its territory for a period of 12 months from their date of first arrival. Visa holders under the programme are permitted to use their visas for multiple exit and entry in the country during their stay.

Visa holders must abide by the laws and regulations of the receiving party, while not violating the terms of entry. They are allowed to work for the 12-month duration of their stay, but for no longer than 6 months with any one employer, and study for up to 4 months.

Vietnamese citizens participating in the programme must meet a number of conditions on health, financial ability, educational level, foreign language skills and personal record, and be introduced by the MOLISA.

MOLISA grants letters of recommendation for Vietnamese citizens who have spotless background checks in accordance with the law; have graduated from tertiary education or have completed at least 2 years of a formal university; and have not joined similar programmes in Australia previously.

Requesting documents for letters of recommendation include a declaration form for letters of recommendation; a valid passport; a university diploma or certificate from the university candidates have completed at least 2 formal school years; and a judicial history card No. 1 as specified in point A, paragraph 1, Article 41 of the 2009 Law on Judicial Records issued by a competent authority within six months.

Within 20 working days, citizens must have submitted a dossier directly or sent it via postal service to the DOLAB. Within 10 working days from the date of receiving complete dossiers, the department sends letters of recommendation to citizens. The referrals are valid for a period of 60 days from the date of issue.

Following its commencement on 1 March, the work and holiday visa programme will re-open on 1 July every year.

For more information on conditions of the visa and how to apply, citizens can visit the following web pages of the Australian Embassy Viet Nam at www.vietnam.embassy.gov.au/hnoi/Visas_and_Migration.html, Australia’s Department of Immigration and Border Protection at https://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa-1/462-, and Viet Nam’s DOLAB at http://laodongkynghi.dolab.gov.vn.

(Source: Nhân Dân Online)

