
Travel sickness

Published: September 19, 2014

Travel sickness can happen during any form of travel but common examples include car or sea travel. You can also get it on train journeys or planes as well as on fairground rides and swings. You can even get it when you aren’t moving at all, such as when taking part in virtual reality games in amusement parks.

Symptoms of travel sickness

- feeling sick
- vomiting
- dizziness
- a headache
- sweating
- looking pale
- rapid breathing
- drowsiness

Preventing travel sickness

- Take travel sickness tablets
- Carry electrolytes
- Your position can affect your chances of getting travel sickness – wherever possible, drive a car instead of being a passenger, sit in the front seat of a car or bus, sit over the wing in a plane, or sit in the centre of a ship or on the upper deck.
- Keep your eyes fixed on the horizon.
- Keep your head still.
- Don't read – try listening to story tapes instead.
- Open a window to let fresh air in.
- Don't smoke before or while travelling.
- Don't drink alcohol before or while travelling.
- Try to distract yourself – play travel games or listen to music.
