
3 Early Signs You Have Kidney Stones

Published: November 27, 2015

Most kidney stones pass through the urinary tract with no trouble. Unfortunately, some do not. Left untreated, they can result in terrible pain. Of course, you do not want to wait until that happens, so knowing early symptoms can save you some real misery. Here are 3 signs that you may be developing a stone.

1. Urinating Frequently

Men are much more likely to suffer from kidney stones, so many men try to ignore frequent urination because it’s also a symptom of prostate problems, something that many men find difficult to face. Do not ignore frequent urination.

2. Blood in Urine

Blood in the urine can have many causes, including infections. But don’t make any assumptions about it. If your urine is discolored pink, red, or brown, it could be caused by a kidney stone. If you try your favorite home remedy for urinary infections and it doesn’t work, do not ignore the problem, try another.

3. Repetitive Urinary Tract Infections

Kidney stones can cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). As a result, if you’ve recently healed one, only to realize that you are getting another, it may be because of a stone. Do not simply repeat treatment of a UTI, or you may end up with another horrific kidney stone experience!

Of course, don’t forget about supporting the health of your kidneys. We hear about the benefits of liver cleansing all the time, but the kidneys are the other major organs for toxicity removal. Keep in mind that certain foods and herbs can help clean your urinary tract and prevent stones from forming. Finally, do not forget to drink water! Remember that a primary cause of stones is concentrated urine, so keep yourself well-hydrated.

(Source: http://www.globalhealingcenter.com)
