
The Wrong Shoes May Damage Your Feet

Published: April 08, 2016

There isn’t a better sign of your shoes causing you pain than the relief you experience when you take them off.  Here’s a short list of the most common types of foot pain caused by wearing the wrong shoe.\

- Ankle Sprains can be caused by high heels, especially when they exceed two inches. Lateral sprains (roll the outside of your foot) are the typical type of sprain caused by wearing high heels. When you experience a sprain, the tissues are pulled beyond their normal capabilities. If you have to wear heels, choose a heel with a thicker base; these are less likely to cause a sprain.

- Bone Spurs can develop from a number of factors, including standing for a long period of time and, or, by wearing uncomfortable shoes. If you enjoy the pointy shoed Wicked-Witch-of-the-West look, you definitely won’t enjoy a bone spur. When your shoes are too small in the toe box area, it causes the muscles to strain and leads way to the growth of calcium deposits on your bones.

- Bunions may also be linked to wearing shoes that are too narrow or shoes that cramp your toes. Findings show that women are 10 times more likely to have bunions than men. A bunion may form when a narrow shoe causes the big toe to turn towards the second toe, often resulting in the growth of a bump on the outside of the toe.

- Corns form by pressure and friction, and can become very painful. They are thickened areas of skin that form on the foot, and are also known as calluses. Extra pressure and friction may be caused by hard, uncomfortable footwear.

- Hammertoes may develop when there is not enough room in the front of the shoe. The second joint of the toe is bent, causing the toe to shorten. A person’s balance may be affected when they have this condition

(Source: http://www.preferredchiropractic.com)
