
Black box from crashed Myanmar military plane found

Published: June 19, 2017

The flight data recorder, or black box, from the Myanmar army plane that crashed into the Andaman Sea two weeks ago with more than 120 soldiers, their family members and crew on board, has been recovered, Myanmar authorities announced on June 18.

The Chinese-made Y-8-200F transport plane before accident (Photo: EPA/VNA)
The Chinese-made Y-8-200F transport plane before accident (Photo: EPA/VNA)

A section of the plane, including the black box and cockpit voice recorder were taken safety to a military ship. Authorities are working to retrieve data from the black box to discover why the plane crashed.

The airplane lost contact with the ground shortly after departing from Myeik to Yangoon on June 7.

The military has recovered 92 bodies during its search operations and the personal belongings of some passengers and crew.

(Source: VNA)
