
Pirates attack tanker offshore Malaysia

Published: June 27, 2017

A group of armed pirates recently attacked a Thai tanker in waters off Kuantan city, Pahang state of Malaysia, according to the New Straits Times.

A group of armed pirates recently attacked a Thai tanker in waters off Kuantan city, Pahang state of Malaysia. Illustrative image (Photo: Reuters)
A group of armed pirates recently attacked a Thai tanker in waters off Kuantan city, Pahang state of Malaysia. Illustrative image (Photo: Reuters)

The attack took place on June 23 with the tanker, carrying 3.8 million tonnes of oil, en route from Singapore to Songkhla, southern Thailand.

The attackers threatened the captain and crew members with guns and knives before destroying the ship’s communication system. They stole 1.5 tonnes of oil then left. The crew members were unhurt.

The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency said it only received information of the incident on June 24 after the Royal Thai Navy reported to Malaysia’s Maritime Search and Rescue Centre.

(Source: VNA)
